Where I am in NJ, we have had it operational at various times. The concept is GREAT, and I think it is certainly a very good step forward.
My concern is, so many people are confused about what FirstNet is, how it will work, and the technical background. It seems so many people are against it, yet I see many of those people who have very little "technical" clue as to the background for it. That is not meant as a punch at them, but more of pointing out a major hurdle.
For this to be accepted, the Feds and agencies rolling this out need to provide a very basic, non-technical explanation, with clear examples of WHY and HOW this will benefit everyone. They can talk about LTE and Band 14, and "Public Safety Networks" all day long, but too many first responders couldn't decipher that.
I noticed this in our area as many people think this is bad and don't want it, yet they simply don't understand the importance of it. The statement of "we have Verizon and priority service" is clear that the benefits of FirstNet are not realized to the people who will speak up. You can have priority voice service, but I don't believe Verizon has priority DATA service. Where I live, Verizon has horrible coverage and AT&T has great coverage. Go a county away, its the opposite. We do beach concerts and I have priority service on my phone but the towers are so over saturated, it doesn't matter. We used JerseyNet (NJ's implementation of FirstNet) and yes, there were issues at times as it is very new, but it can and does work.
Our state has portable towers and vehicles that can act as a cell tower quickly. Try having Verizon or AT&T come out and put up a portable tower in an hour or 2 during a crisis. Doubtful.
My other issue with this is I believe it is up to each State to implement their own version of it, and that is where I think there may be a lot of issues.
I, for one, again love this concept and think it is very necessary. I am in public safety, and oversee a lot of technology, and the last thing I ever want to deal with is something that will make my life, or the lives of staff who are on the street, harder.... and this has my vote!