My short observations and personal opinion.
Once the battery is drained it power cycles. That is hard on it's Arduino Nano. Must turn the radio off and recharge at 10% battery.
SSB BFO offset is not linear. 450 hz low end of the HF spectrum progressively to 1.9khz upper end of the HF spectrum.
FM-RDS is single line limited characters and very slow. Might be too much for the Arduino Nano to perform or the firmware is wrong for NA RDBS
Easily overloaded. Use AGC or shorter length of wire.
Otherwise, for the good,
Loud clear sound.
Plenty of features for basic listening
Sensitivity is good.
I was able to pull in 740khz KRMG Tulsa, Oklahoma on a 16 foot wire. Tulsa is 90 miles from me. No internal ferrite loopstick antenna for MW/LW
LW also worked with the same 16ft wire antenna. It pulled in OKC VOR on 350khz but not very strong. 16ft of wire is too short for LW anyhow.
SW reception is easy to listen too. SSB quality is nice.
Battery lasts roughly 12 hours every charge. It can withstand long hours of operation never drifting.
Confirmable updates in this plus version:
Tuning feels right. Good consistency in the encoder while tuning. No skipping.
Power on it remembers operational state from when the last power off. It continues where you left off on power on unlike the ATS-20.
It is hard for me to recommend it at the same time it is hard for me not to recommend it. It is a radio for the tinkerer. Niche. I really do enjoy the little ATS 20+.