Audio DSP filters


Jan 3, 2012
I've moved.
Have you guys used external hardware dsp audio filters to suppress noise/static and improve voice clarity/audibility? If so, which ones have you tried. Examples are West Mountain, Xiegu, bhi, MFJ brands. Also, there are parametric equalizers that have voice clarifying capabilities - Heil specializes in these.


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan
I finally purchased the Heil parametric equalizer along with the optional Heil amplified external speaker. I've read numerous reviews and watched several videos discussing and reviewing this device, yet I wasn't quite convinced that is did what I was hoping it would. One YouTube video clarified up front that he really wasn't reviewing it, but rather just explaining what it did. This made me think he didn't want to bad-mouth it, but he didn't really promote it either. Even the review that Bob Heil did himself seemed to leave a lot to be desired or lacked a good technical explanation.

No where do I see where the Heil parametric equalizer is refered to as a "DSP", however I included it in my search for the Holy Grail of audio processors! Prices on the kit vary a lot. The kit contains the Heil PRAS equalizer and the Heil HPS-5 amplified external speaker. I found a seller on Ebay in Ohio with the best price of $400 with free shipping and they accept returns.

It was R&L Electronics (currently showing a price of $389.95)

It arrived quickly, packed extremely well! I had it hook up and running in minutes. I'm using it on my ICOM IC-R8600. I played with it for a half hour or so and soon realized it's something that is difficult to demo because there are no black and white settings. It's highly subjective and depends on your personal preferences rather than a technical explanation of proper settings. Similar devices such as the equalizer from MFJ have various audio frequency settings. You can tweak it for much clearer voice, or a more pleasant voice. You can eliminate the low booming or mudy voice, ie: Barry White, or the high irritating voice, ie: Officer Barney Fife. Same with music, set it to your listening preference or comfort. In addition to being able to adjust the audio frequencies like a typically equalizer, you can also adjust the volume level of the lows, mid-range, and highs! You can adjust both the input audio level, as well the overall output audio level. In addition to the speaker outputs on the back, it also has three independent audio output jacks on the front. Two for headphones and one for a recorder with each having their own level control.

While it is quite expensive I think it performs better than anything else out there. The external speaker is almost a must. Anything else probably wouldn't do it justice! You really can tweak out the noise and other irritating properties in the audio.


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan
It should be noted that the above requires two 12VDC 2A power supplies. I found a nice pair on Amazon that are totally quiet!
Both Heil products do come with a nice long, heavy red & black 12V typical amateur radio type power cords if you're using your own bench power supply.

12V 2A Power Supply AC Adapter, AC 100-240V to DC 12 Volt Transformers, 2.1mm X 5.5mm Wall Plug (12 Volt - 2amp - 2pack) $12.99



Jan 3, 2012
I've moved.
Have you guys used external hardware dsp audio filters to suppress noise/static and improve voice clarity/audibility? If so, which ones have you tried. Examples are West Mountain, Xiegu, bhi, MFJ brands. Also, there are parametric equalizers that have voice clarifying capabilities - Heil specializes in these.
This is now at least 6 months after my OP. I got the West Mountain CLRdsp. It is simple to use and clears up muddy and staticy, weak 2 meter nets where audible signal is less than 1 S unit above noise. So for my purposes it works well. If I had extra money I may have gone for the Heil.