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Premium Subscriber
Oct 13, 2008
Cabot, AR
Hello Everyone!
I've recently purchased a PSR 500 and Win 500. I'm trying to conceptually wrap my mind around the best way to program the scanner. I live in Cabot. Should I program the one trunking system (AWIN) and then in each scan list assign the talking groups to the one TSYS, AWIN? Or, should I create an AWIN TSYS inside each scan list with each system?

i.e. 1) Cabot PD - talkgroups created but assigned to only one master AWIN TSYS

or 2) Cabot PD - Create AWIN TSYS for Cabot PD, then Cabot Fire AWIN TSYS, etc.

With Win500, I download the "Site" in Cabot, then download the appropriate Cabot PD Talkgroups, etc. and assign them to a Cabot PD scan list, etc. This creates a new TSYS for each agency I want to monitor. Doesn't seem like a big deal if it doesn't take much memory, but from my limited understanding, it seems like almost ALL the law enforcement agencies in Arkansas use AWIN. So, it would make more sense to program in just one Trunking System - AWIN, then created scan lists with talkgroups you want to listen to and associate them with AWIN. The problem is, I can't figure out how to do that in Win 500! :)

Thanks for your help! I can check out the previous request to determine the specifics on the trunking system at LRAFB on Tuesday. I'm a C-130 Pilot there.




Mar 23, 2004
Kearns, UT
Muzick, I live in Utah. Arkansas has Awin, Utah has UCAN.
If I try to program all forty-some UCAN sites in, and then create
scan lists for each county, this is what happens.
If I am in roaming mode, the PSR500 continually checks all programmed sites
for activity. I am usually within range of at least four sites, so by the time
it gets back to the local site, I have missed a lot of activity.

The other modes are not much better. Other members have also concluded
that if you want to hear certain counties on certain sites, you need to program those sites,
then program the TGRPs for those areas.

I use an Excel spreadsheet in a format that resembles Win500.
I can list all the Tags, Unit IDs, alarm, LED, etc.
I can easily rearrange and edit them unitil I have a program that looks good.
then I program them in by copy & paste.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 13, 2008
Cabot, AR
Thanks Mr. Gadget!
I'll use my best husband to wife communication skill here - "What I hear you saying is" :) it seems the best way to program objects then is, to have Scan List 1 be Cabot PD programmed with AWIN site 1, Scan List 2 be Cabot Fire programmed with AWIN site 1, etc.

So far, so good! I just heard the morning check in on all the Fire units, so I must be doing something right!

Thanks for the help. I'll let you know how the LRAFB trunking system turns out.


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