I use ProScan to program my 325P2 and my 996P2. It's very intuitive and really a no-brainer, you can customize the programming for exactly how you want it.
I use ProScan to program my 325P2 and my 996P2. It's very intuitive and really a no-brainer, you can customize the programming for exactly how you want it.
I think that the OP's point may be getting misunderstood. Since he has both FreeSCAN & ProScan, he probably is capable of programming it himself. However, since he resides in another state, and will only be visiting Houston for a limited time, he does not have a good idea of what he might be able to monitor during his visit.
His asking about a file for the area would give him a more realistic example of what to expect, rather than trying to determine what he needs by viewing the Houston Metro area in the database & guessing which systems & sites should be entered.