Does anybody have the new BC246T SCANNER, And how good does the CLOSE CALL RF Capture work?
Lil_mule said:Well let's see here ....lived in town for 11 yr's ....I drove a Old Green Ford 4 Door with about 2 or 3 antenna's on the trunk lid . I never had a radio to talk on but i've had scanner's that i could here you on . most of the time i heard you on VHF , UHF , 2 Meter's . you might have seen my car a few times but never paid much attention . but i know Joyce Pretty well . if you ever get a chance ask a few police officer's if they ever heard of OSAGE 2 . BPD and WCSO know's who he is
Judging by the choice of words and the composition of this post I would say that Lil_mule and scanner_ant are one and the same.Lil_mule said:FYI i've never heard of this scanner_ant person . don't know who he/she is and don't care . but this claiming kinship to a county deputy that is a big NO NO . you just called me a lier there guy and i don't like to be a called a lier .
Lil_mule said:FYI i've never heard of this scanner_ant person . don't know who he/she is and don't care . but this claiming kinship to a county deputy that is a big NO NO . you just called me a lier there guy and i don't like to be a called a lier .