BC250D (Delaware) file

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Aug 10, 2003
Hey Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone out there had a file with the State of Delaware Police / Fire, etc, information in it, that can be posted or emailed so I can upload it to a BC250D.

A buddy of mine owns the scanner and I am trying to help him get it programmed.

I have a PRO-96 and have a few different "Delaware Files" and wasn't sure if I could just load that information into the BC250D. Granted, I know that I need a different type of programming software other than WIN96 that I use for my PRO-96...

Doesn't the 250D program differently than the PRO-96? What I mean is, aren't the ID's that are programmed into the scanner different than what go into the PRO-96? Not sure of the technical term (HEX?)

I thought I read somewhere that Uniden provided FREE programming software for the 250D? Can anoyone confirm?

Any and all help is appreciated.



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
The term you are groping for is the 'programming protocol', and yes, GRE and Uniden radios are different.

The UASD for the 250 is famous for being flaky at best; some folks got it to work just fine, others had absolutely no success. Personally, there are better programs out there - and there's one or two free ones such as Control Freq v2.0 that might work. I haven't heard much about how well it works, however.

Far and away the most popular is ARC250, but there are others - such as Scan Control - that can be bought in a 'lite' (programming only) package, and are quite inexpensive. We've got a good list of them here...


Your best bet to transfer PRO-96 contents into a 250 would be to dump them to a CSV file (WIN96 allows for this), and import them into one of the programs listed above that can accept this file.

Be sure to ask whether your friend has the BC25i card installed - if not, he won't be able to listen in on the Delaware state system. 73s Mike
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