BCD160DN/BCD260DN: BCD160DN for Military and Civil air


May 18, 2003
Cape May,NJ
I have a 396T that is a workhorse but it's getting old and with more cities going to the big E I really can't see the move to a SDS100. How is the BCD160DN on the air bands? Looking for Civil and Military performance befor I decide to take the plug~!!! Thanks



Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2005
I have a 396T that is a workhorse but it's getting old and with more cities going to the big E I really can't see the move to a SDS100. How is the BCD160DN on the air bands? Looking for Civil and Military performance befor I decide to take the plug~!!! Thanks

Comparing my (outdated) BCD396XT to my BCD160DN…
The 396 is a little more sensitive, and it’s my all time favorite scanner for airband, etc.
But the 160 is still VERY good, and I would recommend it.
IMHO the SDS100 is just ok on airband, but much better suited for digital.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 4, 2021
Northeast Ohio
I’m getting back into the scanner hobby after quite a long while. So I picked up a 160DN to start with as an upgrade to my old Radio Shack Pro 43 from the 90s which I have been using for airband listening. I'm kind of disappointed in the 160DN so far due to what appears to be a rather severe FM desensitization and interference issue.

While it is really nice to have a display where I can actually see the name of the channel I’m listening to, not to mention actually being able to see it at all at night, I’m not impressed with the performance of the 160DN‘s RF front end. I have a couple of strong FM stations nearby. The closest is 6.8 miles according to FM Fool so not exactly right next door but at -20.1 dBm here according to the chart. Two more are coming in at about -30. Connecting both radios to my rooftop antenna (which is an FM vertical so that doesn’t help) via a splitter, the Pro 43 is blowing the new 160DN away on the civil air band. The old Pro 43 with its triple-conversion front end has no issues whatsoever on this antenna.

Hopefully I’ll be fine when going out with the 160DN to watch planes closer to the airport but for here at home, I’ll need to add an FM notch filter. I didn’t buy a scanner to listen to FM broadcasts so Uniden should really have put an FM notch in there to begin with or used a better front end.

I have ordered an HPN-30118 notch filter from Scannermaster and will report back once it arrives.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
Has anyone tried the new ICOM R15 and compared it to the BCD160DN or BCD260DN for aircraft?

It’s more sensitive, scans at 150 channels per second. With dual watch enabled you can scan both MilAir and civilian at the same time on A and B VFO’s or link them on one, record transmissions on either or both VFO’s, memory write on both, the Bluetooth is excellent, battery lasts all day, with a super build quality and a IPX-7 waterproof rating.

Yes it’s expensive but for analog it’s an excellent scanner. The only caveat is the Icom programming software isn’t available in the US (yet). Butel has software though.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 4, 2021
Northeast Ohio
They did open up the front end of both the 160 and 260 as has been posted here by several including me.
I have a couple of strong FM stations nearby. I have ordered an HPN-30118 notch filter from Scannermaster and will report back once it arrives.
I have received the HPN-30118 filter and it has cleared things up considerably on the civil Airband when using my rooftop FM vertical dipole antenna. It is performing similar to the old Pro-43 now and I am satisfied with its performance.