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BCD396T Car Install

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Nov 18, 2004
I have recently acquired a different car, and am interested in mounting a BCD396T in the vehicle. By mounting I mean:
1) Tapping into +12V system as opposed to batteries
2) Mounting an external amplified speaker (if mounting location requires)
3) Using a different antenna than the RS 800 mhz antenna (if mounting location requires)

There are several functional requirements for mounting in this car
1) Must be out of plain sight (I don't want to worry about it getting stolen, or in the event I was pulled over have to answer any questions about it. Please note, I do have my technician class amateur radio license)
2) Must use my BCD396T (I am not willing to buy a comperable scanner in a base version at this point)
3) Must be able to remove BCD396T from car in a somewhat convenient fashion (since this is my primary scanner)
4) Must not mount an antenna external to the passenger compartment (I do not wish to draw any attention)
5) I will primarily be listening on long drives. In my case this means a few digital trunked 900 mhz systems, CB, etc. Hopefully this will help determine what I should do about an antenna.

So... Here is what the optimum setup would be for me:
Mount the scanner underneath the dashboard/behind the center console. There is plenty of open space here, could be easily removed, and is close to a power source.
As for an amplified speaker, I would also mount this in the same loaction as the scanner basically.
Power source- buy a 12V DC to 6V Dc adapter, hard wire into GM provided fused power drop in the dash.
Antenna- this is where it gets tricky. The vehicle has a cell phone style antenna on the back window for the onstar system. Ideally I would somehow use this antenna. (I realize you may laugh at me for suggesting that)

Now, we get to the question I have.
Do you think it is possible to use the cell phone antenna on the back of the car without affecting the onstar system? (The merits of onstar is another thread...) I would have to have a splitter and run a cable from the trunk to the front of the car, would the losses be too great to make it worthwhile? Would it be better to suction mount the RS800mhz antenna to the inside of the rear window?


Jan 9, 2004
Ringgold, Georgia
RE: don't do it!

Use a separate antenna for devices that transmit and receive! You can cause serious damage to your 396, and OnStar system. If "less obvious" is what you want, go to the Antennex website and get a "phantom" or "salt shaker" type antenna. Or just get another cellular antenna and be done with it. Bottom line...don't feed your 396 and OnStar system with one common antenna!


Dec 19, 2002
South-Eastern, Ontario
I would guess that you could use a splitter from your AM/FM and it would be easier (though personally I don't like the trade off...If you use the On-Star antenna your CB reception will probably be reduced to only the vehicles directly beside you...
What vehicle do you have? I ask because it's hard to come up with mounting places without knowing you vehicle...Some have armrest consoles that would be a great place to 'hide' it and the wiring while remaining convenient.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2003
The Isle of Lucy
columbus_east said:
I have recently acquired a different car, and am interested in mounting a BCD396T in the vehicle. By mounting I mean:
1) Tapping into +12V system as opposed to batteries
2) Mounting an external amplified speaker (if mounting location requires)
3) Using a different antenna than the RS 800 mhz antenna (if mounting location requires)

There are several functional requirements for mounting in this car
1) Must be out of plain sight (I don't want to worry about it getting stolen, or in the event I was pulled over have to answer any questions about it. Please note, I do have my technician class amateur radio license)
2) Must use my BCD396T (I am not willing to buy a comperable scanner in a base version at this point)
3) Must be able to remove BCD396T from car in a somewhat convenient fashion (since this is my primary scanner)
4) Must not mount an antenna external to the passenger compartment (I do not wish to draw any attention)
5) I will primarily be listening on long drives. In my case this means a few digital trunked 900 mhz systems, CB, etc. Hopefully this will help determine what I should do about an antenna.

So... Here is what the optimum setup would be for me:
Mount the scanner underneath the dashboard/behind the center console. There is plenty of open space here, could be easily removed, and is close to a power source.
As for an amplified speaker, I would also mount this in the same loaction as the scanner basically.
Power source- buy a 12V DC to 6V Dc adapter, hard wire into GM provided fused power drop in the dash.
Antenna- this is where it gets tricky. The vehicle has a cell phone style antenna on the back window for the onstar system. Ideally I would somehow use this antenna. (I realize you may laugh at me for suggesting that)

Now, we get to the question I have.
Do you think it is possible to use the cell phone antenna on the back of the car without affecting the onstar system? (The merits of onstar is another thread...) I would have to have a splitter and run a cable from the trunk to the front of the car, would the losses be too great to make it worthwhile? Would it be better to suction mount the RS800mhz antenna to the inside of the rear window?

I assume you are talking about a 996? Seems like an awful lot for a 396, which is a portable handheld scanner.


Nov 18, 2004
Thank you for the quick replies... Here are some answers to your questions.

The vehicle is an 02 Buick Regal. I will take some photographs to show potential mount points.

I am talking about the BCD396T handheld. It is the only P25 capable scanner I have at this point.

Sounds like using one antenna for Onstar and recieving is a BAD idea.

The AM/FM antenna is the rear window integrated type.

I took a look at Antennex phantom antennas listed on Scanner Master's web site, looks like a good potential solution.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2003
The Isle of Lucy
I don't mean to sound like a dick, but you plan on going through a lot of trouble for a handheld. When I use my 396 in the car, I just clip it to the visor and it works like a charm. Get some good 2700 mah batteries, and you're good to go.


196-ÆS Ø
Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2003
Sunny South Florida

I also have the 396 and wanted the same that you do. I find that having an external antenna and power source gives me better results, especilally for non-trunked systems. I ordered my mount from http://www.e-mount.com. They have many mounts to choose from. I use an external mounted antenna though.
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