bcd396xt state police hep

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Jun 26, 2019
Galatia, saline couny Il.
I just bought a used bcd396xt I don't have a old computer to hook up programing cable to. So I have to program by hand. I cannot figure out how to program state police for Harrisburg. il. Saline county. I know that it is dis. 19 dispatched by dis. 13 Could someone show me how to program these sites. I did try to figure out how to by reading marks easier manual. But I am Still at a complete lost for digital. Thanks in advance


Jun 5, 2011
So Illinois
I can talk you through programming or give information through instant message or email. I will try to send you an instant message with my contact info.
Apr 18, 2009
I cannot figure out how to program state police for Harrisburg.
This is a "Cheat Sheet" that "Uniden Support" provided:

For Conventional frequencies please follow these steps:

1. Press Menu button
2. Highlight Program System, Press E
3. Highlight New System, Press E
4. Highlight Conventional, Press E
5. Confirm by pressing E
6. Highlight Edit Group, Press E
7. Highlight New Group, Press E
8. Highlight Edit Channel, Press E
9. Highlight New Channel, Press E
10. Enter your Frequency, Press E
11. To enter more frequencies, Highlight New Channel, Press E

For P25 (Standard Trunk), Motorolla, Edacs, LTR:

1. Press Menu
2. Highlight Program System, Press E
3. Highlight New System, Press E
4. Highlight the system you need Conventional, P25, Motorolla, Edacs, LTR, Press E
5. If P25 (Standard Trunk), EDACS, or Motorolla please follow the steps below:
6. Highlight Edit Site, Press E
7. Highlight New Site, Press E
8. Highlight Set Frequencies, Press E
9. Highlight New Frequency, Press E
10. Type in Primary and Alternate Frequencies (red and blue frequencies on RadioReference) Press E
11. Highlight New Frequency to enter more, Press E

Once you have entered all of your frequencies and want to enter DEC/TGID:

12. Press Menu 4 times.
13. Highlight Edit Group, Press E
14. Highlight New Group, Press E
15. Highlight Edit Channel, Press E
16. Highlight New Channel, Press E
17. Enter in the DEC/TGID, Press E
18. To enter more DEC/TGID Highlight New Channel, Press E

Once you have finished entering the DEC/TGID

19. Press Menu 4 Times
20. Highlight Edit Sys Option, Press E
21. Highlight ID Scan/Search, Press E
22. Press E on ID Scan if using TGID's and ID Search if just using only Frequencies.

For P25 One Frequency Trunk:

1. Press Menu
2. Highlight Program System, Press E
3. Highlight New System, Press E
4. Highlight P25, Press E
5. Highlight One Freq Trunk, Press E
6. Highlight Edit Site, Press E
7. Highlight New Site, Press E
8. Highlight Set Frequencies, Press E
9. Highlight New Frequency, Press E10. Enter the Frequency, Press E
11. Highlight New Frequency, Press E
12. Once you have all the Frequencies entered you can Press Scan

When you're finished press scan.


Apr 3, 2008
Port Charlotte FL
try setting any trunking system as conventional.
that avoids any programming error.
if you can't hear anything you are out of range or in a bad spot.
and then you can just delete it if you get the real one to work...but...
if a motorola system goes down (fail soft) you would need to program in a conventional system to hear anything at all. their radios can handle it, yours can't. it goes to stand alone repeaters.
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