Install / Configure Help for RDIO-SCANNER


Feed Provider
Feb 24, 2019
Shippensburg; Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
Greetings All,
First .... I absolutely HATE asking for help, and I have done hours of researching, trying all kinds of methods (to just end-up Defaulting PC and Pi5 back to initial Factory Default as "fresh out-of-the-box" starting point.
Hours and Hours searching for help; but can find nothing to answer every/all my questions (to get successfully working; on either the Windows or Pi5.
For instance, just the "config.json" coding has me so lost, etc etc.

If someone would be so gracious to offer assistance; so I can finally get this setup working ... I would be "Forever Grateful". Been trying for over 2 months.

I', basically seeking "easy-to-follow" instructions (as I know nothing about json files; and all the other special settings, etc)

-------- My 'Dream / Goal' is to finally get this up and working (so myself) and many other users can use, etc.

I would prefer to use my new Windows 11 PC purchased just for this endeavor (its all that it will be used for) ; BUT if I have to use a Pi5 instead, I will.

- I have (2) RTL-SDS dongles (monitoring 6 channel P25 system; with 1 being the Control Channel) UHF Band
I have downloaded SDR-Truck and can hear traffic; but EVERYTHING beyond that has Failed.

I want to use the RDIO-SCANNER Program because I love how users can choose what TG to listen too, etc.

I just can't figure out how to proceed; etc.

Any help would be tremendous gratitude of Thanks !!!!! I would be glad to even speak one-on-one if would benefit to help.

Thanks Kindly.


Mar 28, 2020
Ozark, AL
I've worked at least a year or two on my scanner project, starting from it pushing calls over Zello, then Icecast, then Mumble, then finally Rdio-Scanner. I'll go ahead and tell you that it was a process that had me starting over plenty - especially setting up Rdio-Scanner.

Disclaimer: My solution might be very different from others' implementations, and those may work better for you than mine. I will be advising you to kick the Pi out of the equation. I tried and tried. Not worth the time. (My implementation is at Rdio Scanner - use rrdb to access.)

The JSON files shouldn't need to be modified (ever). Everything you do with Rdio should be done via command line or the /admin page.
On the Windows 11 computer, download Rdio-Scanner. Create a dedicated folder for it (mine is called "rdio-scanner") - extract the ZIP there, run the EXE, then go to the admin interface URL listed in the terminal. The default password is rdio-scanner - you should immediately go to "Tools," then change the admin password. Refresh, sign in with that.

Go to Config > Systems > New System. For trial-and-error, just put in 1 for the ID, label it what you want, and enable Auto Populate. Scroll back up to ApiKey and create New API Key, name it what you want. Copy that API key. Scroll down, click save.

In SDR Trunk, open your playlist editor. Go to Streaming > Create New > Rdio Scanner. Name it what you want, paste the API key, put System ID as 1 (as you created in the "New System" on Rdio-Scanner). The URL, for this purpose, is - as it is hosted on the same computer. Click the "enabled" button, and make sure you select TGs you want under the alias tab.

This is a really quick start-up guide, and I hope that it gets everything going for you. From there, you can test and fiddle and do everything you want to experiment with it and grow it to be what you need! (Take it from me having to start over from scratch many times, COPY THAT FOLDER and make duplicates to test with!)

Going forward, making it available to other people requires a few different steps and possibly some money - but it's imperative that you play with the app a lot before making that step. :)
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