I know I enjoy my 396 much more than the 325... I dislike how Uniden eliminated features on the 325 that the 396 already had, e.g., ability to change backlight time, lack of backlit keypad, etc.
People just tend to hang onto scanner they like.
Add to that 3 batteries for longer listening time, multiple backlight colors, separate power and programming plugs so if one breaks the other is still available to use, also felt like it was built a lot better too...the 325 was really a step back from the 396 on many levels, unfortunately. I love my 396xt and 346xt. 325 works fine, just miss all the good stuff the 396 has.
And for the OP: Ebay occasionally has them come up in near new condition but they're usually priced in the $200-$225 range. They're a popular model still so it won't come cheap. They were getting cheap until 2020 hit, then they basically doubled in price for whatever reason.
Edit: this one is mint, but check out the price
The Uniden Bearcat 396xt is a handheld scanner that uses digital trunking communication protocol. It is designed for scanning various frequencies for radio communication. This scanner is part of the Uniden brand and is known for its advanced features and functionality. It is in very good...
For reference, Amazon, a few times a year, has the 325P2 for around $320.