BCD325P2/BCD996P2: bcd996p2 - No Display


Premium Subscriber
Apr 23, 2012
New to me bcd996p2 scanner. I cannot get the display to function. This very well could be a user error, the display is blank and there is no backlighting on the unit either. Before I reach out to Uniden customer service, I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions. The unit does power on and I am getting some noise. It has not been programmed, but I am limited with no display. I did try to reset by holding down the 2 9 and hold as well as another one I read, same no results. I have a cable on order too.

Thanks for your time and efforts to read and or respond.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 23, 2012
New to me bcd996p2 scanner. I cannot get the display to function. This very well could be a user error, the display is blank and there is no backlighting on the unit either. Before I reach out to Uniden customer service, I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions. The unit does power on and I am getting some noise. It has not been programmed, but I am limited with no display. I did try to reset by holding down the 2 9 and hold as well as another one I read, same no results. I have a cable on order too.

Thanks for your time and efforts to read and or respond.
Quick Update- Some Progress. I pulled off the cover and found that the ribbon cable to the front panel had come loose. It's a pain in the *(& to reinsert and clamp down the cable, but none the less the display lights up now along with backlights for the buttons. There is no writing on the display, even when I press menu. Any suggestions?