SDRTrunk V 0.6.0 Stable, Monitoring Muskegon County Simulcast and Ottawa County Simulcast. My Node is #999 and I receive about 30 calls per minute right now. Everything I receive goes to BCFY Calls.
SDRTrunk error below...
SDRTrunk error below...
20240714 154157.168 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-58] ERROR i.g.d.a.b.b.BroadcastifyCallBroadcaster - Broadcastify calls API file upload fail [503] response [<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>SlowDown</Code><Message>Please reduce your request rate.</Message><RequestId>8HFBQ47MDA3SVNH4</RequestId><HostId>iRNz+cywVYoe8qx5HopJQ3j7Fc3Wzh5Gfdc7erRu/Mu0XSuzR/zRQE/VETFqgVrbvp+jOahPCkY=</HostId></Error>] [155MB/515MB 30%]