Three ways I can think of that would probably tell you the IF.
1) Open the radio and look for a crystal w/ a 10.? # on it (at least in the old radios, not sure about new ones).
2) Get a STRONG frequency, like police dispatch or a business or something, open the squelch all the way, and search in the range of about 20 - 22 MHz above the freq. For example, PD dispatch is 152.000. I believe common IFs are 10.4, 10.7, and 10.8. Double the IF so it could be 20.8 to 21.6. Now add that range to the dispatch freq of 152.000 and you get the range of 172.8 to 173.6. Search that range with an open squelch (w/ another scanner listening to the correct freq so you can hear when there is activity). You should be able to hear the image.
3) Look in the back of the manual or download the PDF manual. It may say in the specifications what the IF is.