I used to complain about living in a condo, and not being able to place antennas where I want them. I used to be an avid SW/MW/LW listener as well- actually, any kind of DXing and "I'm there".
I was so anxious to move to a house, so I could put up any antennas and my satellite wherever I wanted! I've been here about six months- and have I set any outdoor antx yet? No!
I have plenty of wiring of all kinds, just to name a few off top of my head? RG6, telephone wiring, some speaker wire, and ApexRadio "303WA-2" large outdoor whip, 30kHz -30 MHz. I have Ku-band sat system too- I have other un-identified antenna of different types, so What the Heck am I waiting for?
It has been extremely hot in Arizona where I am for one, it was 120F plus this summer and frankly the heat makes me very nauseated and red in the face when I go outdoors, so I could not bear any of it-
but now the weather is pleasant so there should be No Excuses. I should be excited already- why am I not? I have receivers galore, that have not been powered in in what seems like eons. I am in a relatively RFI-quiet area, too- all residential and some small farms- no Tesla coils or weird transmitters or tall buildings nearby.
I have a great big yard, and the kind of neighbors who mind their own business.
Just reading the threads on Log Your SW Frequencies Here, I see propagation is great tonight. That used to wake me from a coma, to hear of good propagation. Wish me luck, and send good vibes my way to hopefully psych me up into getting those antennas up!
I was so anxious to move to a house, so I could put up any antennas and my satellite wherever I wanted! I've been here about six months- and have I set any outdoor antx yet? No!
I have plenty of wiring of all kinds, just to name a few off top of my head? RG6, telephone wiring, some speaker wire, and ApexRadio "303WA-2" large outdoor whip, 30kHz -30 MHz. I have Ku-band sat system too- I have other un-identified antenna of different types, so What the Heck am I waiting for?
It has been extremely hot in Arizona where I am for one, it was 120F plus this summer and frankly the heat makes me very nauseated and red in the face when I go outdoors, so I could not bear any of it-
but now the weather is pleasant so there should be No Excuses. I should be excited already- why am I not? I have receivers galore, that have not been powered in in what seems like eons. I am in a relatively RFI-quiet area, too- all residential and some small farms- no Tesla coils or weird transmitters or tall buildings nearby.
I have a great big yard, and the kind of neighbors who mind their own business.
Just reading the threads on Log Your SW Frequencies Here, I see propagation is great tonight. That used to wake me from a coma, to hear of good propagation. Wish me luck, and send good vibes my way to hopefully psych me up into getting those antennas up!