I'm really enjoying my new Belka too. I'm happy to find that audio quality and HF reception has not suffered due to the addition of frequencies <1.5 MHz. The stability, AGC, and audio on SSB especially continues to amaze... hard to believe this all comes from such a tiny package!
I'll put in a plug here for the 3rd-party speaker accessory with "clicky" tilt feet and a larger battery than come's with Belrig's own speaker back for the Belka line. IMHO it is worth the extra cost all-around. I purchased mine from the
mobimax.bg site. I have both speaker backs for the radio and just prefer the one from Mobimax; the construction is very high quality also.
My ALA1530LN loop really brings the DX signals to life on the Belka (all models). It's great to have a tiny portable that also works great with a "serious" antenna. The supplied whip is a great match to the Belka, however!
BTW, delivery time to my Seattle area location was 28 days.