Anyone have any idea how to get 2 tone tone outs working for Montgomery County on the G5. It's programed right with 154.160 and set to tone outs. It locks on to a tone alerts but no voice.
Is Montgomery going to any type of P25 paging when the new system comes online. Read they are going to get the G5s for firefighters.
Maybe one day I will go to the radio shop and take to them, work for the county
So basically the steps are:
1. Tab D2 - Set up a Conventional Frequency Setting for Montgomery County - 154.160? Sounds like you did this.
2. Tab D3 - Set up a 2-Tone Protocol Type
3. Tab D4 - Set up Group Alias for the tone pair, one alias per resource. I use Alert Mode: Tone; Alert Tone: Tone 8; 2-Tone (enter tone freqs); everything else either off or no setting.
4. D5 - Set zone / knob position: This where it gets tricky. I have my Receiving Mode set to Monitor Mode, which means I hear all transmissions. When then tone pair is detected, the radio will alert with Tone 8 as configured in step 3. I use the Auto Reset as the Reset Mode, although it really doesn't matter for my config since the radio does not need to go back to silent. Finally, the Knob - Talk Group List, select the Group Alias you set up in step 3: check Enable, and select the None radio button (filled in the circle.)
If you want the radio to remain silent until there is tone out for the resource you configured, change the Receiving Mode to Selective Call. You may also need to change the Reset Mode to a time based delay. If the dispatcher releases the transmit key randomly, it tends to mess up Auto Reset. Remember that a box alarm with multiple resources dispatched can take a -long- time to complete.
If you want to export your config, I'll look at it.