BC125AT: Not getting a whole lot on BC125AT?


Dec 11, 2023
Just checked my version. It is called: BC125AT SS

I assumed the SS was for Sentinel software. I was wrong.

Screenshot 2024-12-30 at 4.28.25 AM.png


May 31, 2024
I've had my 125AT for about a year now. It can get what shows as AM, NFM and FM listed here Radio Reference. You won't hear anything listed as NXDN or DMR or P25 (it can pick them up, but you'll only hear screeching as the 125AT can't decode them=digital channels). Scanning the banks is fine, you'll want to input things from the database here. I use the Uniden Software, it's a bit clunky but works fine. You plug in the USB cable from the scanner into your computer. The Uniden software looks like a spreadsheet, you can copy and paste the names and frequencies from the various listings here into the banks. You got an upgraded antenna, you should be all set. I keep my scanner on a window ledge by my desk, it doesn't get much indoors away from a window. Should be good to go.


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
However the only things I really ever pick up occasionally are Ham radio stuff and some civilian air stuff that just sounds really far away. I’m very close to Daytona, about a mile or so from a small airport, under 5 miles from a train station, there’s just a lot going on in the city I’m in but I somehow can’t pick up any EMS, or Railroad stuff, or anything for that matter.
Here are the ATC frequencies for Daytona Beach International Airport:

Daytona Beach
120.700KDAB Tower VHF
257.800KDAB Tower UHF
121.900KDAB Ground VHF
348.600KDAB Ground UHF
119.300KDAB Clear Deliv
122.950KDAB Unicom
132.875KDAB ATIS
118.850KDAB App/Dep VHF
125.350KDAB App/Dep VHF
125.725KDAB App/Dep VHF
125.800KDAB App/Dep VHF
127.075KDAB App/Dep VHF
269.075KDAB App/Dep UHF
322.300KDAB App/Dep UHF
351.950KDAB App/Dep UHF
353.825KDAB App/Dep UHF
379.950KDAB App/Dep UHF
319.150KDAB App/Dep UHF
121.500Aero Emerg VHF
243.000Aero Emerg UHF