Whistler TRX series. They do a far better job in monitoring DMR than the current crop of Uniden scanners in my view. DMR Tier III monitoring is also no problem despite what those naysayers say about no true trunk tracking. I quite frankly get sick of all the Whistler bashing in these forums as I feel it's totally misplaced.
The ability of a scanner to accurately trunk track DMR systems is something that potential buyers should be aware of to make an educated choice that works for them in their location. We don't know the OP's location so we don't yet know what would work best for him with the systems in his area.
The Whistler scanners do not include the necessary technology to accurately track DMR/NXDN trunked systems. They will only scan the voice channels, without the ability to decode and use the trunk tracking data from the control channel to follow conversations as they change frequencies.
I have 2 of the TRX series and a lot of experience with them during extensive traveling. In smaller rural systems with not much traffic, and especially non-trunked DMR systems, the Whistlers work extremely well in those situations, but..... If you are in an area where large DMR/NXDN trunked systems are very busy with many users, a large number of talkgroups, and heavy traffic, the Uniden's will make a world of difference.
That's not even
remotely related to bashing as you put it. It's not misplaced criticism, and it's not just opinion. It's a matter of well documented fact, based on the design, firmware, and capabilities of the Whistler TRX series. You can find many posts on that, and check note #4 in the RR Wiki here:
I have no doubt that the TRX series works great for you and many others - as they do for me - on certain DMR systems as described above... but it's the same as someone having great results with a Uniden Homepatrol in a heavily simulcast area and insisting to others that it's all they need in that type of RF environment.