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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Better G5 Antenna

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Dec 11, 2016
Lancaster County PA
I have the base/charger and had my attic antenna hooked to it. The antenna was actually too strong for my county trucked system and created distortion similar to what a scanner would do. The G5 sounds better by itself out of the base for the system. Until phase II is up and running on the G5 I will use the supplied wire plug in antenna on the back of the charger. When phase II is working I will want to pull in distant counties so I will check them with the attic antenna.


Mar 10, 2004
Noblesville, IN


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Supply (Lockwood Inlet area), NC
I have the base/charger and had my attic antenna hooked to it. The antenna was actually too strong for my county trucked system and created distortion similar to what a scanner would do. The G5 sounds better by itself out of the base for the system. Until phase II is up and running on the G5 I will use the supplied wire plug in antenna on the back of the charger. When phase II is working I will want to pull in distant counties so I will check them with the attic antenna.

This is important....

For a local system, particularly if it is a multi-site system and/or you are mobile, you may not want a "better" antenna. The radio has a tendency to "stick" to a site that isn't always the best choice. When traveling, using a RS 800 antenna instead of the stock antenna, the G5 sometimes holds on a site many miles behind me even after I've passed by the tower(s) for the next site along the trip.

On the other hand, for both non-simulcast and/or non "in building coverage" systems and to pull in more distant systems/sites, a better antenna is a must. I am about 8-10 miles from two sites of NC VIPER and without my RS 800 antenna, I can barely pick up either tower from inside my house.
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Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2013
Thanks for the advice.

I totally agree on the "antenna as a handle" thing. I bought a handheld scanner from a guy a few years back and when I met him he grabbed the scanner by the antenna to show it to me, irritating...and I see people do it all the time. However I specifically asked the seller if he would pick one out of the lot that was straight and looked nice, and he agreed to do th at. A tell-tale sign of "antenna as a handle" syndrome is a permanently bent antenna lol (usually). And if it doesn't perform better, oh well, an $8 gamble.

Interesting point on the antenna and staying attached to a weak site. I will keep that in mind for mobile use, but I typically either sit stationary at home or in the office when listening, and in both cases there is a system or two that will probably benefit from the extra gain.

I am glad I didn't spend the $40 that a new moto full size antenna runs, I know that.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
FM03qu North Myrtle Beach SC
I've been using a Motorola 8505241U11 - Motorola OEM Flexible Whip Antenna, Dual Band, 764-870 MHz, 7in on the stationary G5 in my home. $28.75 shipped. Works well…I get usable signal from the Supply, NC NCVIPER site, which is 24 air miles from home in North Myrtle Beach, SC. Geography is flat, but heavily forested coastal plain. Seems to do a bit better than the Remtronix 800 and no adapter needed. The other G5 is usually mobile with the stock antenna and still receives the PEA Landing NCVIPER site from inside car or house, minimum of 6 miles from home.


Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2013
Awesome information. So to summarize if I'm getting this right, full size moto whip for stationary use, stock stubby for mobile?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
FM03qu North Myrtle Beach SC
Awesome information. So to summarize if I'm getting this right, full size moto whip for stationary use, stock stubby for mobile?

In my case, yes. I'm in a county with six simulcast sites. The full size whip would probably be a disaster (multi-path and overload) while mobile, although I haven't tried it. The stock stubby does well just about everywhere except for a few spots. Your situation could be entirely different though. The only way to know for sure is experiment at the locations you frequent. Distance, terrain, vegetation, presence of large bodies of water, humidity, precipitation, and wind all can affect ability to receive usable signal.


Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2013
I have the full size 700 MHz / 800 MHz Moto whip installed and it is working great everywhere, including mobile, on the RWC simulcast system, all simulcasts, as well as multiple other simulcast systems. As someone mentioned you want to trim about 1/16 inch off of the rubber skirt, but do not trim the whole skirt off. The end of the SMA female is not recessed on the Moto whip, as it is with the Unication stubby, so you actually don't have to trim as much off as you think. I used a razor blade and took my time and it turned out perfect. The base sits perfectly snug and flush to the G4 case, creating a good water-tight seal. See picture:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ruagpthjl30di49/G4 With Moto Whip.jpg?dl=0


Premium Subscriber
Jan 2, 2003
Antenna Pad on Bottom ?

I recently purchased a G4, needless to say, I have sold my 536 and 996P2 and am considering ordering a second G4. I think my research/testing is solid, but just trying to get confirmation on something. The antenna "pad" on the bottom of the G4's pins, is solely for V/UHF reception only, is that correct? I ohm'd the ring of the top G4 antenna connector and it zero's out to the pad labeled as ground. However, when I try the center pin to the pad identified as Antenna, I get nothing. Just looking for clarification before I proceed with modifying my standard drop in charger for mobile use.


Carbon Unit.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 9, 2014
Lenawee/ Monroe Line, Michigan
Here is a pic of the Moto XTS 700/800 7" duck model 8505241U11 I mentioned in a previous post.

If you look very closely you can just barely see the antenna-skirt bulging (happens when you tighten it down snug). Again, it's nit-pick, and can be resolved with a dremel tool if you so desire. But I'm not too skilled with such projects so I suspect I'd just turn the antenna bottom into a 'boogered' mess. . therefore will leave as-is!

This antenna has the correct connector on it (SMA-F). I like how it preserves the commercial look of the radio, vs use of adapters and/or consumer-grade scanner antennas etc. . but that's just my personal preference.

It's a big performance upgrade over stock, which is the most important thing. I have no means to scientifically quantify but in subjective testing it performs as good, perhaps slightly better than the famed RS800 antenna.


Thank you for this post. Two years later, I am finding it useful now that I am migrating to Unication.


Nov 6, 2012
Are people still having problems with the stock antenna no longer working after using a motorola antenna? This and pulling the center pin out are the two main reasons I’ve never tried a different antenna.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 5, 2005
Albany County, NY
Are people still having problems with the stock antenna no longer working after using a motorola antenna? This and pulling the center pin out are the two main reasons I’ve never tried a different antenna.
I don't think the problems encountered when returning to the use of the stock antenna were actually determined to be the result of using the Motorola antenna. Anyway, in the interim, Unication has started selling an increased-gain antenna with a blue band that several of us have tried with varying degrees of success.


Sep 26, 2008
I don't think the problems encountered when returning to the use of the stock antenna were actually determined to be the result of using the Motorola antenna.

If you compare the connectors between Unication and Motorola (at least some Motorola's), you'll see that there's a recess in the end that's missing. If you screw the Motorola antenna on too far, it'll squish the pin, and prevent it from making a good connection to the stock antenna.

DSCF0198 (Medium).JPG
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