Starting Jan 1 2016, both Dunbarton police and Weare police will switch from Bow Dispatch to Goffstown Dispatch. Unknown at this time if there will be frequency changes.
-Police Dispatch Service. Bow Dispatch 2016 contract is $42,448.83. Goffstown Dispatch 2016 contract is
$30,000, a $12,448.83 savings. Bow Dispatch needs to be notified by Oct. 1 to exercise the option to get out of
the contract and inform Bow that Weare will move to Goffstown Dispatch on Dec. 31, 2015.
VOTE: Selectman Leary made a motion, Selectman Bohl seconded to authorize the chairman to sign the
intent to discontinue the current police dispatch with the Bow Police Department as of 12-31-15. Motion
passed 4-0-1. Chairman Lacasse abstained.
From what I just heard it is only Weare moving to goffstown dispatch not dunbarton
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Dunbarton Selectmen Meeting dated 9/24/2015 said:MOTION:
Brian Pike made a motion that the Town of Dunbarton accept the bid of the Town of Goffstown for dispatch services for the Dunbarton Police Department for a three year contract at a low bid of $11,560 for the first year of the contract. Ted Vallieres seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
It was noted that the Town of Bow should be notified by registered or certified mail of the fact that Dunbarton was not renewing the dispatch service contract with the Town of Bow.
Any idea what this might mean for frequency changes? I know Weare is still going to use the same 158.85 frequency from talking to Weare selectmen member.
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I heard from someone that they usually keep the same frequency and change roip.
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