Breaking news. Policeman shoots 5 people

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Feb 24, 2001
triryche said:
Question I have is how does the State or anyone else for that matter communicate with Forest Co. in a situation such as this?
From the state patrol's wesite
"The Wisconsin State Patrol also is presently operating a VHF analog conventional voice radio communications network. The system consists of a mobile radio, a portable, and a vehicular repeater installed in each squad. There is a base station at each of our tower sites and a dispatch point in each of our regions. Some troopers have an 800 MHz portable as well to allow them access to County 800 MHz trunked and/or conventional systems. A few other troopers have VHF digital radios in their squads to allow them to talk to a county in northern Wisconsin. The radios that the Wisconsin State Patrol operate on in the VHF conventional system include frequencies that are used by federal, county and municipal agencies. The squad radios also contain mutual aid channels in the different bands available for use by the State Patrol or any other agency."


Aug 2, 2005
NEWCOM Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Frequencies

155.4750 156.7 PL WISPERN
155.3700 146.2 PL Point
151.2800/153.845 136.5 PL MARC 1 (Repeater)
151.2800 136.5 PL MARC 2 (Simplex)
154.0100 71.9 PL MARC 3
154.1300 82.5 PL MARC 4
155.2800 156 DPL State EMS - Coordination
156.0000 136.5 PL WEM - Car
151.1375 156.7 PL VTAC 1
154.4525 156.7 PL VTAC 2
155.7525 156.7 PL VCALL
158.7375 156.7 PL VTAC 3
159.4725 156.7 PL VTAC 4
151.1375 156.7 PL/159.4725 146.2 PL VTAC 1-4 (Repeater)
154.2650 210.7 PL IFERN - Dispatch
155.1600 127.3 PL NATSAR


Dec 31, 2005
SonicN said:
There is a lot of crime in Norway, homicide, burglury, robberies, but all in all its a nice country to live in.
Police do have guns in theyr cars, but are not alowed to carry them in an situation, unless the police chief says thats its OK. If it`s an burglury-alarm at a bank they dress up with helmets and guns, but not in the regular patrol-duty.

That don't make any sense. You never know when you'll have to use your gun. Are they supposed to run back to their car to retrieve it?
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