You might have surmised this already by looking at your neighbor's setup, but getting the antenna - any antenna - away from the home and all of the noise sources is going to give you the biggest bang for your buck insofar as signal quality is concerned. Just increasing the length of an indoor antenna will likely only give you marginally better signals.
You evidently aren't cursed with a HOA or antenna restrictions, so why not take advantage of that fact? Depending on how much space, and how many trees, you have to work with, you could put something outside, away from the home, and be far better off, whether you get a loop or keep with a wire antenna design, of which there are so many....our wiki just touches on a few possibilities.
A lot of folks start off with the Vibroplex PAR end-fed; it has a number of things you can experiment with, including replacing the stock 45 foot of wire with a longer length.
This depends to some extent on the radio(s) you are using - I would hesitate to put something long on a RTL-SDR v3, but with a decent desktop, a longer antenna isn't going to be as much of an issue, depending on your local RF environs, of course....Mike