Calgary police frequencies

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Sep 13, 2006
Hey guys
i just bought a uniden bc246t and im looking for the calgary police frequencies.
I saw the page with all the frequencies on it, but was left a bit stumped when i didn't see
the traditional 000.0000 number format that im used to using on my uniden BC350C
Can anyone help me out with putting the police frequencies into my new scanner.
any help is appreciated



Dec 19, 2002
The 246T is not capable of monitoring Calgary police as they are digital. You should have no problem monitoring regional RCMP with that unit though, and thousands of other non law enforcement related users...


Sep 13, 2006
Yeah i know i just read that they were digital and i just bought the 246t because i thought it was digital. The digital ones are a little outta my price range right now. But i'll still enjoy monitoring the fire and EMS
not really to interested in the RCMP
but thanks for your help


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Calgary Fire and EMS are on the Calgary Digital Radio System, along with Calgary Police, ENMAX, the Office of the Solicitor General (Sheriffs), and the Calgary Airport Authority). Fire and EMS are the only ones in analog. is the URL for the Calgary Digital Radio system.

When I get home later tonight, I can try to attach a file or two for the Calgary system for both the UASD (Uniden's free database software) and ARC396 (Butel's commercial (paid) software). I don't know if you can input the files into either the UASD for the 246 or if there's an ARC246 program.


Sep 13, 2006
Jay said:
Calgary Fire and EMS are on the Calgary Digital Radio System, along with Calgary Police, ENMAX, the Office of the Solicitor General (Sheriffs), and the Calgary Airport Authority). Fire and EMS are the only ones in analog. is the URL for the Calgary Digital Radio system.

When I get home later tonight, I can try to attach a file or two for the Calgary system for both the UASD (Uniden's free database software) and ARC396 (Butel's commercial (paid) software). I don't know if you can input the files into either the UASD for the 246 or if there's an ARC246 program.

Well i have the BC350C right now, and i can pick up most calgary fire frequencies, not to well i might add, but they are there. I have also picked up the EMS before. I bought the 246t because i read about it and i thought id be able to pick up the police which is what i wanted but then i read they are on digital and that this scanner didnt handle the digital freqencies. I just ordered the arc246 as well for it so there is a arc246 for this scanner!


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
dainom89 said:
I just ordered the arc246 as well for it so there is a arc246 for this scanner!

Okay, here is a zipped version of my ARC396 file, with all but Fire and EMS removed. This should import easily into ARC246.
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Sep 13, 2006
Jay said:
Okay, here is a zipped version of my ARC396 file, with all but Fire and EMS removed. This should import easily into ARC246.

alright, i will try and do that. but what exaclty is this going to do?


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
This file will program your scanner with the Calgary trunk system under quick key #1. All six tower sites are in one "bank" (system), so it will pick up whatever tower site you're closest to. It will also load up the talkgroups ("channels") that are in use by Calgary Fire and Calgary EMS.


Sep 13, 2006
Okay i can't figure out how to import it to the arc246, i tried opening it and it said that the file is not compatible with the arc246 or saved in a newer format?
so..? if you have another way that i can import this please let me know
thanks i appreciate all the help your giving me!


Sep 13, 2006
Oh and also, if i end up not being able to import that file you gave me. That link you sent me with all the talk groups.
Do i have to program in the system control channels first and THEN then system talk groups that i want to tune in to?

thankss =)


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
In ARC246, is there an option in the Import section mentioning UASD files? If so, I can send you a UASD file which will do the same thing.

If you can't import any of the files, what you need to do is put the control channels in the trunk frequencies, set the proper trunk type, and then enter the talk groups, yes, correct.


Sep 13, 2006
I looked around on the program for quite a while last night, and i didn't come across anything that had to do with importing files or anything. I even looked on the manual to see and it said that i had to use the clip board to import and i tried that and it didn't do anything. I don't mind programming all the system frequencies and talk groups myself. But i'm still a little iffy oh how to do that and have a few questions still.

1. Where i enter the system frequencies
2. do i enter ALL of the system frequencies or do i just enter the control and alternate control channels
3. Where do i enter the talk groups?
4. and when i enter the talk groups do i put in the DECIMAL number or do i have to change it to another format.

haha i feel kind of stupid for asking these questions but trunking is quite a bit more in depth then the normal system and scanner i was using before where i didn't have to use a computer program or talk groups. So i appreciate all the help! thanks!


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
dainom89 said:
I don't mind programming all the system frequencies and talk groups myself. But i'm still a little iffy oh how to do that and have a few questions still.

Sorry for the delay in replying - I wanted to be at my radio programming software computer so I could do it step-by-step and answer you properly.

I'm using the 396 software, but the 246's should be close enough for you to follow along.

dainom89 said:
1. Where i enter the system frequencies
2. do i enter ALL of the system frequencies or do i just enter the control and alternate control channels
3. Where do i enter the talk groups?
4. and when i enter the talk groups do i put in the DECIMAL number or do i have to change it to another format.

First step: With the program open and running, click "Add System" on the bottom left corner. (Or, if it's not there, go File>New>Trunk System.)
Second step: On the subsequent page, edit the fields as follows:
System Name: "Calgary Trunk", or whatever you wish to call it;
Quick Key: Any number - this is what you will press to enable/disable it;
System Type: "Motorola Type 2 800MHz Standard";
Lockout System: UNCHECKED;
Channel Delay Time: 5 Seconds (or personal preference - this is how long you want the scanner to wait after a transmission is over);
System Hold Time: 0 Seconds (I set mine up this way so it will go thru the trunk system "once" and then resume scanning; experiment with it to your liking);
Leave any other items on that page unaltered. On the top of that page, there should be a number of tabs including "General" (you're on it), "Location", "Trunk System Parameters", and "Trunk Frequencies". Move to the "Trunk System Parameters" one.

ID Scan/Search: "ID Scan Mode" - that way, it will only scan the talkgroups we enter (later on down this tutorial).
Icall: Your choice, either "On" or "Off" - I-Calls are private calls, direct radio-to-radio, and are VERY rarely used on this system. I have it set to "On" just in case someone does bother doing one. Don't set this to "Only", or you won't hear normal dispatch traffic!
Mode (Trunk): "Auto"
Alert Tone: Personal preference. This is useful if you want to hear a beep when someone hits their emergency button on the radio. If you want to hear it, select an Alert Tone and hit the button beside (the play button) to hear a sample of it.. stop on the one you like.
Alert Level: Only relevant if you choose an alert tone above. This is the volume level the scanner will change to if an alert goes off. If you set it to a number, it will auto-reset the volume to this level when an alert comes. If you leave it at "Auto" (like I have done), the scanner doesn't change volume when an alert comes in.
End code: "Yes/detect". This is kind of like CTCSS/PL/DCS codes for trunk systems. What it does is listen for the sub-audible code from the trunk system that says "xyz is done talking", and shuts off the audio at that point, instead of waiting for the actual audio to stop coming. This is handy in areas where the channel might stay open if there's lots of noise on the frequency.
Status Bit ON: UNCHECK. Motorola type II systems use a status bit to define certain properties of the current activity. See the "Calgary Storms" thread for a description of this. If you set the Status Bit "On" in ARC396/246, the system will treat any talkgroup with a status bit value as a new, separate talkgroup from the real one. There's a longer explanation for this, but the gist is, you don't want status bit reading to be enabled.
Control Channel Only: You can have this CHECKED. For this particular system, it saves a lot of space in your radio and makes it easier to program.
Move to the "Trunk Frequencies" tab.
This is where you enter the frequencies. In ARC396, it allows for naming the channels and locking them out, but I wouldn't bother with either of them. However, for a SmartZone system like Calgary is (with six separate trunk sites), you have to do things a little unusual at this stage. What I did on my 396 was put in all the control channel/alternate control channel frequencies, for all six sites. I did it this way, rather than create six separate entire Systems - one per site - in the scanner, because if I did it this way, I wouldn't have to worry about entering talkgroups over and over in six separate systems. The only downside to this (I'm assuming the 246 will behave the same way my 396 does) is that once the scanner has picked up a control channel, it will not release that control channel or go to check for any others in the same system, until it is turned off and on again. This, for me, becomes a big hassle as I drive across the city. I begin in the Fish Creek tower's coverage area, bounce back and forth between Spy Hill and TransAlta for a bit, and cross through Banker's Hall on the way ultimately to the Forest Lawn site, on an average commute to work. If I want to have my 396 remain on the strongest control channel (and thus hear all the conversations without static and dropouts), I have to repeatedly turn my radio off and on to force it to search for a new control channel. This is unfortunate but seems to be the only way to get things done in the current batch of Uniden handhelds.
Once done entering the frequencies, you want to add one (or more) Groups. A Group inside a (trunk) System is where the actual talkgroups go. In ARC396, I can either click "Add Group" in the lower left corner or go "File>New>Group". Actually, you may not have to add groups; in ARC396, the new system I just created automatically has 10 groups created, they're just hidden from your view right now. Click the plus beside "New System 123" (or whatever you called your system) in the left pane, and you should find a bunch of red dots and "Group1", "Group2", etc. Click on "Group1".

You should see the right-hand page change. On mine, I get a spreadsheet-like page with "Trunk ID", "Name", "L/Out", "Alert", "Alert Level", and "Comments" along the top, and numbered rows on the left side. I'll walk you through entering the four Fire dispatch channels.
In Row 1, under Trunk ID, enter "304".
Move to the Name field and enter "C13 Zone 1".
Leave L/Out empty or, if it auto-fills as "Off", that's cool too.
Alert and Alert Level work the same way as they do on the system programming page earlier, except this is specifically for this talkgroup only. Regardless of what type of traffic is being transmitted here, if you set an Alert in this field, you will hear noise every time the scanner stops on this talkgroup.
Comments doesn't really matter. It's not stored in the scanner and is only for interest's sake when you're reading this page.

Repeat the same for Row 2 with the following information:
Trunk ID: 336
Name: C14 Zone 2

Row 3:
Trunk ID: 368
Name: C15 Zone 3

Row 4:
Trunk ID: 400
Name: C16 Zone 4
That's almost all there is to the group setup. Click directly on the tab marked "Group1". The line above it should change, and you can set a number of things from here:
GroupName: Whatever you want to identify the group as. Following the example above, I'd say "Fire Dispatch".
Qkey: This is which "quick key" you want to set the group into. You can turn groups on and off like you can turn banks on and off in older scanners, by pushing a number key on the keypad. This is entirely your choice what you put here. Leaving it as "None" will not lock out the group - you have to select LockOut Group (to the right of this) for that. Instead, leaving this as group "None" will mean it is not assigned to a group key, but will be unlocked and scanning.
You can make as many as 20 groups if you need to. They can each have as many as 200 lines/rows or just 1. If you wanted to leave the above example group as just "Fire Dispatch" and move on and create one for the tac channels, and another for EMS Dispatch, and another for EMS tacs, etc., you could. It's entirely up to you.

Once that's done, all you need to do is program it into the scanner. That in itself should be fairly visible in the program.. on mine, it's either the little icon of the scanner with a red arrow pointing into it, or on the menu, under "BCD396T>Send Data".

Hope this helps!


May 27, 2007
Jay... that instructional post was awesome. It confirmed that what I was doing was right! :) I've had my 396 for a few weeks and am thouroughly enjoying it. Storm night was crazy! Thanks as well for posting your EMS/FIRE mem file. I also found that useful in confirming my programming. Would you be so kind as to post your CPS file as well? I would love to see how a "pro" configured it! :)


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Sure, here's the full-on file for the 396.

I also have ARC996 and have translated all my 396 files to 996 if anyone needs lat/long :D
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Sep 13, 2006
lorissimo said:
Jay... that instructional post was awesome. It confirmed that what I was doing was right! :) I've had my 396 for a few weeks and am thouroughly enjoying it. Storm night was crazy! Thanks as well for posting your EMS/FIRE mem file. I also found that useful in confirming my programming. Would you be so kind as to post your CPS file as well? I would love to see how a "pro" configured it! :)

Yeah it was! i wish i had my 246 the night of those storms i really would have wanted to hear whats going on. Unfortunately i couldnt use my old 350c because its not trunked and trying to keep up with the activity on there would have been ridiculous!


Sep 13, 2006
Actually, you may not have to add groups; in ARC396, the new system I just created automatically has 10 groups created, they're just hidden from your view right now. Click the plus beside "New System 123" (or whatever you called your system) in the left pane, and you should find a bunch of red dots and "Group1", "Group2", etc. Click on "Group1".

You should see the right-hand page change. On mine, I get a spreadsheet-like page with "Trunk ID", "Name", "L/Out", "Alert", "Alert Level", and "Comments" along the top, and numbered rows on the left side. I'll walk you through entering the four Fire dispatch channels.

If you are talking about the system you sent me to import into my arc246 i still didnt figure out how to go about importing that. So im not sure what to do about that, if i should just follow your instructions and create my own systems the same way you did it, just do it from scratch. Because i want to be able to go from the CFD dispatch and then when i hear a good call and want to listen in switch to whatever either C13/14 and go to the tac channel to hear the conversations going on with that particular call. But i can figure that out from what you told me. =)


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Nope, "click on New System 123" etc refers to the system being created immediately above that line in the tutorial. Sorry 'bout that.
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