Can I listen to this with a Pro-43?

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Jun 2, 2005
Toronto, Ontario Canada

Toronto PS Talkgroups

DEC HEX Mode Display Description
816 033 A 71-TPS-1 Temporary Use 1
832 034 A 72-TPS-2 Temporary Use 2
848 035 A 73-TPS-3 Temporary Use 3
864 036 A 74-TPS-4 Temporary Use 4
880 037 A 75-TPS-5 Temporary Use 5
896 038 A 76-TPS-6 Temporary Use 6
912 039 A 77-TPS-7 Temporary Use 7
1024 040 A 78-TPS-8 Temporary Use 8
1040 041 A 79-TPS-9 Temporary Use 9
1056 042 A 7A-TPS-10 Temporary Use 10
1072 043 A 7B-TPS-11 Temporary Use 11
1088 044 A 7C-TPS-12 Temporary Use 12
1104 045 A 7D-TPS-13 Temporary Use 13
1120 046 A 7E-TPS-14 Temporary Use 14
1136 047 A 7F-TPS-15 Temporary Use 15
1152 048 A 7G-TPS-16 Temporary Use 16
4112 101 A 11-D11 11 Division
4128 102 A 12-D12 12 Division
4144 103 A 13-D13 13 Division
4160 104 A 14-D14 14 Division
4176 105 A 15-D14/2 14 Division - sub
4192 106 A 16-TAC11 11 Division Tactical
4208 107 A 17-TAC12 12 Division Tactical
4224 108 A 18-TAC13 13 Division Tactical
4240 109 A 19-TAC14 14 Division Tactical
4352 110 A 21-D21 21 Division (old)
4368 111 A 22-D22 22 Division
4384 112 A 23-D23 23 Division
4400 113 A 24-TAC21 21 Division Tactical (old)
4416 114 A 25-TAC22 22 Division Tactical
4432 115 A 26-TAC23 23 Division Tactical
4448 116 A 31-D31 31 Division
4464 117 A 32-D32 32 Division
4480 118 A 33-D33 33 Division
4496 119 A 34-TAC31 31 Division Tactical
4608 120 A 35-TAC32 32 Division Tactical
4624 121 A 36-TAC33 33 Division Tactical
4640 122 A 41-D41 41 Division
4656 123 A 42-D42 42 Division
4672 124 A 43-D43 43 Division
4688 125 A 44-TAC41 41 Division Tactical
4704 126 A 45-TAC42 42 Division Tactical
4720 127 A 46-TAC43 43 Division Tactical
4736 128 A 51-D51 51 Division
4752 129 A 52-D52 52 Division
4864 130 A 53-D53 53 Division
4880 131 A 54-D54 54 Division
4896 132 A 55-D55 55 Division
4912 133 A 56-D52/2 52 Division (Secondary)
4928 134 A 57-TAC51 51 Division Tactical
4944 135 A 58-TAC52 52 Division Tactical
4960 136 A 59-TAC53 53 Division Tactical
4976 137 A 5A-TAC54 54 Division Tactical
4992 138 A 5B-TAC55 55 Division Tactical
5008 139 A 61-HWY Highway Patrol
5120 140 A 62-TSV Traffic Services Administration
5136 141 A 63-TSS Traffic Services Support
5152 142 A 64-TSENF Traffic Enforcement
5168 143 A 65-TSINV Traffic Investigative
5184 144 A 66-MAR Marine Unit
5200 145 A 67-PDS Police Dog Services
5216 146 A 68-ETF Emergency Task Force
5232 147 A 69-PKE/E Parking Enforcement East
5248 148 A 6A-PKE/W Parking Enforcement West
5264 149 A 6B-PSU Public Safety Unit
5376 150 A 6C-PSU/2 Public Safety Administration
5392 151 A 6D-MTD Mounted Units
5408 152 A 6E-FLT Fleet Services
5424 153 A 6F-REU Radio & Electronics
5440 154 A 6G-VSU Video Unit
5456 155 A 81-DSS Document Services
5472 156 A 82-CRT/W Court Wagons
5488 157 A 83-CRT/T Court Officers
5504 158 A 84-OCH Old City Hall Court
5520 159 A 85-CPCRT College Park Court
5632 160 A 86-HICRT Ontario Supreme Court
5648 161 A 87-D/CRT District Court
5664 162 A 88-Y/CRT Young Offender Court
5680 163 A 89-W/CRT West Mall Court
5696 164 A 8A-E/CRT East Court
5712 165 A 8B-N/CRT North Court
5728 166 A 8C-AOP Help Desk
5744 167 A 8D-INA Internal Affairs
5760 168 A 8E-FIS Forensic Identification
5776 169 A 8F-HOM Homicide
5888 170 A 8G-TEU Training College
5904 171 A Visiting Services Access to TPS


Apr 29, 2005
Long Island, NY, USA
Not comfortably. It's a trunked system and the Pro-43 doesn't trunk. You can listen to the individual talk channels, but you can't follow a talkgroup.


Jul 29, 2001
Ottawa, Ont.
What he's saying is, you're out of luck with the older scanner. You need a version that handles Motorola trunking. What you list are not the frequencies, but the talkgroups (virtual channels) on a system with a whole bunch of frequencies, that are shared by the numerous users. There are also multiple sites.

Scanning the frequencies listed on RR will not work well. Check out some FAQs on trunking and trunktracking scanners.



Mar 2, 2004
Chicago / 016
You're really going to need a trunk tracking scanner to reliably monitor that system.

Lots more details linked here. Read up on trunked radio systems and you'll see what I mean.

To answer your question, though, you'd need to program the frequencies associated with that system. You'll hear the talkgroup you are interested in...and every other one you aren't interested in, either. It's not going to be easy at all, perhaps to the point of being considered impossible.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2005
The Ottawa Valley - Eastern Ontario
:lol: I know it'd be tough to do. But it's the least a person could do. Sure it's all mumble jumble missing conversations. But he did ask if he could listen. Technically he could, just not properly.

And yes, in Toronto, that would be very hard to do. It was bad enough in Ottawa especially with the digital crap on the system.

DaveH said:
That's what I like...somebody with a sense of humour!



Jul 29, 2001
Ottawa, Ont.
Not to mention it would be mostly a waste of time, except maybe to demonstrate the bufuddling power of trunked systems on conventional listeners....



May 18, 2005
DaveH said:
Not to mention it would be mostly a waste of time, except maybe to demonstrate the bufuddling power of trunked systems on conventional listeners....


I used to monitor Warren Michigan's Public Safety, Motorola Trunked system, conventionally, with no problems. I'd program all but the data channel, enable the 2-sec delay, and it worked just fine. I did it that way for years.
Jun 2, 2005
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Yea its working fine for me too. :D

So far, someone was about to jump off a bridge, death threat via cell phone, someone was being beat by 10 people with baseball bats, and now 5 gunshots were heard.

hmmm, what a wonderfull evening. :shock:
I had no idea this stuff was happening.


Jul 29, 2001
Ottawa, Ont.
OK, I guess some of us have different experiences. Maybe it depends how
busy the system is. I find that during busy periods, it is usually pretty hopeless,
unless all you want to pick up is bits and pieces. Perhaps that is good enough
for some people in some circumstances. People often tolerate it for awhile,
then it becomes just too much trouble to listen to. As for TPS, let's see if you're
still doing in a month or two.

It will probably work again around here, due to attrition from analog systems,
between now and when these systems eventually get shut down. It would be
worth a try just for the heck of it.

Reminds me of a friend who I lent a PRO-2026 to, to listen to Ottawa PD
while they were still analog (EDACS). Digital noises started creeping in, and
the radio got horrendous cellular intereference; the latter became more
interesting especially when he recognized some voices as people he knew,
from a nearby cell. Wouldn't have even been breaking any law, even in the US!



Jan 10, 2002
St Gabriel, Louisiana
experimental_pilot said:
hmmm, what a wonderfull evening. :shock:
I had no idea this stuff was happening.
That's the best part of the hobby. Hearing all the stuff that will never be mentioned on the evening news or in the local paper. I work security at a steel mill in south Louisiana and have my Pro-93 with me most nights. My security partner and the scalehouse operator, who is in the same building as our guard shack at the main gate, listen along with me most nights. Though they live in the area, they were never aware of just how much was happening in their community.
All weekend we hear fires, fights, wrecks and chases but almost never see any of this mentioned in the press. While they may not rush out to buy a scanner and learn to program it, when I'm working I'm often asked to 'turn the scanner up a little more' by a coworker during an incident.
And it sure makes those slow nights a little easier to deal with.
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