There is no law but the state enter into a "MOA" memorandum of agreement to access the county radio system. The state provides the radio. Part of the APCO P25 project was to allow interoperability between agencies. With the smaller agencies it's not as big of an issue but with the large systems like TxWARN there is legal paperwork exchanged regarding programming. system keys, encryption keys, radio tracking, site access etc...
Hi Robert and others,
Thanks for the responses. I'm very familiar with interop and the P25 project. I've written and presented MOU's to elected officials for approval related to radio, P25 and other topics. I've edited and helped write an interop guide for the radio system I use and conduct interop training in my part of the state. I've also given DPS and other agencies access to my agencies radio channels, have gotten access from other agencies, and have gotten their system keys and encryption.
I asked the question because I have heard several times over the years that there was a law saying DPS had to have a sheriff's office radio. I'm not aware of a law that requires DPS to have one or even be given access to an agencies radio channels. That doesn't mean there isn't one, just that I am not aware of it so I was hoping someone could cite it if it existed. It's also very possible that some funding sources require access be given to state agencies.
Agencies in my county barely had enough money to purchase radios for themselves, let alone purchase extras for other agencies. In fact, grants were used to purchase a large percentage of radios on the system when it was first implemented in 2013ish.
In my county DPS recently added a DPS specific talk group to the trunked radio system because the DPS repeaters don't cover the county well. DPS was already dispatched to crashes on the S.O. dispatch channel. Now there is an added step of the S.O. taking the call and then having to relay it to a DPS dispatcher to dispatch a trooper on the DPS talk group.
Thanks again to those who responded to my question.