Yokoshibu - "usually low altitude freqs for the area you live in are comming from an rcag near you..." If I read what you're implying, you think that there is a difference between how a low and a high altitude freq is transmitted. That's not true in any sense and is in the same vein as the signal is transmitted straight up.
There is no equipment or antenna configuration difference between low, high, super high, ultra high or any other altitude assignment. The only difference is one of designation.
Sometimes a particular frequency will have a high gain antenna or linear amp (50 watts). That is done to solve coverage problems and it has nothing to do with altitude assignment.
There is no equipment or antenna configuration difference between low, high, super high, ultra high or any other altitude assignment. The only difference is one of designation.
Sometimes a particular frequency will have a high gain antenna or linear amp (50 watts). That is done to solve coverage problems and it has nothing to do with altitude assignment.