I’ve never heard them talk car to car—must be secret frequencies.
I’m in Tyler area…….
I’m in Tyler area…….
If they are using their Vhf radios to speak car to car, then almost certainly that would be simplex, not via a repeater. If that's the case, then you would need to be very close in order to hear them.I’ve never heard them talk car to car—must be secret frequencies.
I’m in Tyler area…….
This is what I heard them on in Uvalde a few days ago, Mobile C. That’s actually the first time I heard them unit-unit simplex in many years too.Do you have the four base channels programmed in with a NAC of 162? That's the main car to car I hear them on around here, and not very often. They generally use one of the channels that is not active where they are.
I have heard 154.95 used a couple of times out west of Ft Worth...and surprisingly it was only a couple of months ago. DPS101 was headed west where a trooper had pulled over a pickup and the fellow ran. They used 154.950 to talk to the units on the ground!!! Didn't take 'em long to find the guy and DPS101 was headed back to the east.
The TG on the Parker county system is heavily used by the units out this way.....both simplex and the Mineral Wells dispatch office.
I have 154.950 programmed for PL 156.7 and again with NAC 293.every blue moon i'll hear DPS on the ole 154.950 frequency, and it's P25.
I’ve never heard them talk car to car—must be secret frequencies.
I’m in Tyler area…….
Back in the Dark Ages (analog) 154.95 was the mobile transmit half of the intercity pair. The base transmit frequency was 155.370. Intercity took up two "channels" in car our radios. One was labeled Car to Car, 154.95 Simplex CSQ. The other was labeled either Mobile to Base, or just Intercity, 154.950 transmit/155.370 receive CSQ. Dispatch also has two intercity channels. One was 155.370 Simplex CSQ to be used to talk to other agencies base to base. The other was 155.370 transmit/154.950 receive CSQ for dispatch to be able to talk to mobile units from other agencies.
During an event, such as a multi-agency pursuit, our dispatch would either relay information to us on our channel or direct units involved to switch to intercity.