Catoosa County appears to have rebanded today. Control Channel now on 853.4125, with voice channels on 852.000, 851.900, 851.625 and 851.4125. This is just for the Ringgold site, the main Chattanooga system remains on it's original frequencies. Here's the turd-in-the-punchbowl - my 396 will no longer track the rebanded system. Apparently you have to re-program your Unidens with the latest firware update to make it work. Not sure about Radio Shack or GRE radios yet... probably have to reconfigure them too. Catoosa talkgroups on the main Chattanooga system still track fine, for now, but this main system will be rebanding in the near future too. Since it's not a NPSPAC system (866-868Mhz) I wonder if it will follow different channelization plan or will work with new control channel. We'll see!