CDF Clear Cut Numbering

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Railroad & Ham Radio Extrodinare
Premium Subscriber
Aug 1, 2007
Sonoma Co., California
I know I've seen it in the past in various excel and PDF files, but for the life of me, I CAN NOT FIND IT. Can someone point me to the PDF that clearly shows what each sub-unit number is. For example, I saw AEU 2782 today on rest from the LNU Lightning Complex. I know 27 is AEU, I have to clear my head up around the 8 and 2!

Any PDF/EXCEL that clearly shows this would be greatly appreciated. I swore I had it in my files, but it's MIA!

EDIT ADD: Anything that shows OES/etc., would be helpful too!


-Frank C.


Feed Provider
Jun 1, 2006
Many years ago, there used to be 6 regions. It was reduced to 4 regions in 1986. It was again reduced in the 2000s to 2 operational areas but still retained the 4 regions. The example for AEU. 2=region. 7=operational unit(AEU). The third digit used to determine if the engine was 2 or 4 wheel drive but all engines are now 4WD. Some operational units used the forth digit to determine which battalion the engine was located in. I.E. 2782 is stationed within battalion 2. Not all operational units followed this plan. To my knowledge, the last 2 digits are at the discretion of the operational unit.


Railroad & Ham Radio Extrodinare
Premium Subscriber
Aug 1, 2007
Sonoma Co., California
Many years ago, there used to be 6 regions. It was reduced to 4 regions in 1986. It was again reduced in the 2000s to 2 operational areas but still retained the 4 regions. The example for AEU. 2=region. 7=operational unit(AEU). The third digit used to determine if the engine was 2 or 4 wheel drive but all engines are now 4WD. Some operational units used the forth digit to determine which battalion the engine was located in. I.E. 2782 is stationed within battalion 2. Not all operational units followed this plan. To my knowledge, the last 2 digits are at the discretion of the operational unit.
I figured that, but what's the each "type" for the digits. I know 2782, based on my knowledge *SHOULD BE* a Type III engine. Those are the details in a PDF I'm looking for. I had a PDF somewhere in the last decade that I followed but I've since lost it.


-Frank C.


Interoperating Spurious Emissions
Premium Subscriber
Feb 7, 2003
The real northern california
I know what you’re talking about, however the person who hosted that page is a silent key now and no longer with us. Also while a great historical reference, it is no longer valid. It “used” to be the third digit 6 would be type 3, 7 type 2 and 8 a type 1 engine, with the fourth digit being either a battalion, or increment. Then along came the third digit 5 and 9, as well as a large order/influx of Model 34 engines that Calfire is “standardizing” the bulk of their fleet on. After that it sort of broke whatever resemblance of a “standard” there was now that nearly every engine was becoming a Type 3. Now the last two digits from 5X to 9X are designated per Unit, no statewide standard. TGU uses the last digit as a battalion simply because it works with our fleet size (no more than 5 engines per battalion for us.) Statewide still has a resemblance of a standard below 5X. 4X are dozers and their transports and tenders, 3X typically are Repairs (mechanics), 2X prevention with some battalion overflow, 1X typically battalion, and 0X being Division chiefs and battalions. Of course Utilities can double up using the Utility designator, showing up anywhere in that 2X-9X range that covers trucks, stakesides, dumptrucks, vans etc. Each Unit might have their own type for Utilities, knowing all 9X are stakesides etc.
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Railroad & Ham Radio Extrodinare
Premium Subscriber
Aug 1, 2007
Sonoma Co., California
I know what you’re talking about, however the person who hosted that page is a silent key now and no longer with us. Also while a great historical reference, it is no longer valid. It “used” to be the third digit 6 would be type 3, 7 type 2 and 8 a type 1 engine, with the fourth digit being either a battalion, or increment. Then along came the third digit 5 and 9, as well as a large order/influx of Model 34 engines that Calfire is “standardizing” the bulk of their fleet on. After that it sort of broke whatever resemblance of a “standard” there was now that nearly every engine was becoming a Type 3. Now the last two digits from 5X to 9X are designated per Unit, no statewide standard. TGU uses the last digit as a battalion simply because it works with our fleet size (no more than 5 engines per battalion for us.) Statewide still has a resemblance of a standard below 5X. 4X are dozers and their transports and tenders, 3X typically are Repairs (mechanics), 2X prevention with some battalion overflow, 1X typically battalion, and 0X being Division chiefs and battalions. Of course Utilities can double up using the Utility designator, showing up anywhere in that 2X-9X range that covers trucks, stakesides, dumptrucks, vans etc. Each Unit might have their own type for Utilities, knowing all 9X are stakesides etc.
Thanks! Sad that resource, no matter how dated, went away! I guess I'll just have to go "by eyesight" as to what things are.


-Frank C.


Feed Provider
Dec 15, 2009
Largest County, CA
Sadly, this is the current "plan" for CalFire. Pretty much wide open 01-99 in each category. Long gone are the custom "niches" stated above.


  • CalFireIDs.jpg
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Feed Provider
Jun 1, 2006
Heard engine 3399 from MVU yesterday. I would not be surprised if they are bursting at the seams for numbers. I believe they are the largest Unit with the most type 3 engines. RRU has Battalion 3109-3120. Where do they go from there? The governor has allocated increased funding for vegetation fires so there will more engines and overhead with more identifiers.

I feel for you. There are some things I wished never changed. Unfortunately, it is the sign of the times.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 27, 2016
You can share Battalion numbers with Prevention numbers. According to that document they can go up to 99. They just have to emphasize the designator prior to the number.
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