1/2" ? That's the new wave style of doing things. I had mine out "old school". I tell people I had mine out via "cesarean" (and I've got the scar to prove it) though I can attest that that comment will illicit no sympathy from any mothers in the room. What I wasn't pleased with was the nurses getting me up to walk over to the scale when I got back to my recovery room because they needed to weigh me before they'd supply any pain medication. That wasn't fun. I told them the math was simple: My weight when I got to the emergency room minus one appendix.The appendectomy was the easy part of the whole ordeal. That only took a little 1/2 inch incision. I don't know that I can even find the scar any more. It was the operation that followed the appendectomy, by about a month, where they removed 18" of my bowel (aka Right Hemicolectomy), that the "sleep button" turned up. For that operation the incision was about 20cm long. They cut vertically and made a detour around my belly button. I guess the whole thing was suppose to really really hurt. So I had a "morphine drip". It kept the pain mostly bearable, but would get really bad at times. So there was a small button on the end of a wire that I could use, when things got bad. I just press the button and it would increase the dosage. 15-20 seconds later, I was out like a light. It worked fine for me. Years later my wife and daughter was given morphine in a hospital, but they couldn't handle it. The doctors had to switch to something lighter.
But the first thing I had removed after recovery, was that damn catheter. I was willing to put up with the pain of getting out of bed to take a leak.
With regard to panic and mayhem in the streets over the eclipse, it should only be a problem for the professional pearl clutchers and doomsdayers. Those with lives to lead will notice it got dark for a while and get back to business.