Just curious as to what is going on with UASI System?
I was listening and receiving them fine yesterday morning.
By afternoon is was dead. No Charlotte Mecklenburg traffic.
I got home and everything was receiving great on the Cabarrus portion of the system.
This morning I am having intermittent issues. Sometimes it will receive and other times it is dead.
No issues what so ever with Viper it receives great.
Just wandering if they may have had tower and site issues?
I was listening and receiving them fine yesterday morning.
By afternoon is was dead. No Charlotte Mecklenburg traffic.
I got home and everything was receiving great on the Cabarrus portion of the system.
This morning I am having intermittent issues. Sometimes it will receive and other times it is dead.
No issues what so ever with Viper it receives great.
Just wandering if they may have had tower and site issues?