Are there any (cheap) Ebay Filter for the (European) Bands?
Is there an list?
Are there any (cheap) Ebay Filter for the (European) Bands?
Is there an list?
keep everyting outside what i not want to receive.What is your intended use for the filter?
SMA, NWhat connector?
Sorry I am a beginner.Your posts so far give ZERO useful information that is required for anyone to help you.
in the most case a hole freq Band. Like VHF / UHF. I still use Airbandfilter.
You're still not answering whether you want to pass or block the band, or why. Either answer the questions asked, or I'm not going to waste any more time trying to help you.
Sorry I am a beginner.
Sometimes you feel like a Dentist, pulling teeth (err.. Answers from folks) :roll:
here is a lot of noise.What interfering signal are you trying to block?
here is a lot of noise.
sorry I search for filter who are made by mass production.
if there is any usefull I will take.
here is a lot of noise.
Maybe some for PMR446? I think it will be a bandpass filter?!
Once again, your lack of providing useful information results in you dismissing someone who makes a suggestion that met every component that you had provided.
OK, this is kind of what I was looking for. We have a frequency range 446.00625-446.09375, now the question is: Is this the frequency range where you are receiving the interference (noise)? Or is it the frequency range that is causing the problem? If it is the one causing the problem, what frequency is it causing the problem on? If it is the range receiving interference, what frequency is the interference being generated from? Without both frequencies it is almost impossible to give any advice.
400.000 - 400.200446.00625-446.09375