China And Type Acceptance


Premium Subscriber
Aug 5, 2012
Great Falls, Montana
Anyone with an amateur license or studying to get one should have plenty of reading to back the FCC and hams involved in an 11 year study that proved that on vhf and uhf portable radios with over 7 watts tend to cause cancer to the head as well as other medical complications. How many of you have actually written to these Amazon vendors and to Amazon proper to complain about, among other things such as poor workmanship etc, portable radios that are in the vhf and uhf bands and are putting out anywhere from 10 watts to 20 watts and more? I have. Amazon is finally being tightened up for hiring thieves and generally all-around scammers who send theft tags from retail outlets that they have shoplifted from and even send the buyer dirty broken equipment that often doesn’t match what’s on the box Cover. I’ve been an Amazon customer for 15 years and have filed many complaints. To this point it’s been like pissing in a dark suit: One gets a warm feeling all over but no one notices.

I’ve been waiting for this for some time. I’m tired of new products either not working right away or in a month or 2 after delivery. I’m very angry about the vendors who respond with “Well, everyone wants them” or “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” I’ve often wondered if the countries’ chinese consumers actually receive a better product than other countries? I’ve been through there enough times to say that I doubt it. All the communist countries I’ve served in all have the same style.

I met a heavy crane operator years ago who loaded and unloaded shipping containers from ships in the Port of Los Angeles who told me that “The U.S. is the world’s biggest shippers of shipping containers.” For those not catching what I just said, we primarily receive full containers and ship out empty ones.

Dave McCracken
K7GDM, Great Falls, MT
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5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Without getting political, all I have to say is with little to no adult supervision, one can't expect any company to "do the right thing" unless there are consequences. Whether it's dubious product claims, radios with spurious emissions programmed on licensed part 90 frequencies sold to consumers as "adult walkie talkies", or the complete consequence free zones like NYC where police don't bother responding to shoplifting resulting in stores closing, there are no barrage of SWAT teams coming to set off flash bangs at Amazon, to cops arresting the criminal gangs of shoplifters, to courts throwing the book at these thugs and locking them up. It just isn't happening.

The ship sailed long ago on the USA being a manufacturing powerhouse we once we five decades ago. Cheap parts, labor and cheap product drew our once great American companies like a moth to a flame. It isn't coming back.

It's the wild wild west. If one wants quality and integrity, find vendors who are known for it and ignore the fake reviews on Amazon. Buy only legitimate products from legitimate stateside vendors like HRO, GigaParts, DX Engineering, etc. Buy the SELLER not the ITEM.


Forums Manager/Global DB Admin
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Forums Manager
Jun 26, 2001
Oot and Aboot
Anyone with an amateur license or studying to get one should have plenty of reading to back the FCC and hams involved in an 11 year study that proved that on vhf and uhf portable radios with over 7 watts tend to cause cancer to the head as well as other medical complications.

Dave McCracken
K7GDM, Great Falls, MT
Got a link to that study?


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
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Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
Anyone with an amateur license or studying to get one should have plenty of reading to back the FCC and hams involved in an 11 year study that proved that on vhf and uhf portable radios with over 7 watts tend to cause cancer to the head as well as other medical complications.
You have a link to this study?

I’ve been an Amazon customer for 15 years and have filed many complaints.
My only reply is that if you have filed many complaints against Amazon, why do you still shop there?

I met a heavy crane operator years ago who loaded and unloaded shipping containers from ships in the Port of Los Angeles who told me that “The U.S. is the world’s biggest shippers of shipping containers.” For those not catching what I just said, we primarily receive full containers and ship out empty ones.
This should not be news to anyone. The U.S. has a $1.2 trillion trade deficit with the rest of the world. Unless Walmart, Amazon, and Costco stop selling goods made in China, Mexico, and Vietnam, I don't see that changing.


Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
2600 dialtone blvd
First, go to YouTube and look up Louis Rossman about his Amazon fuse testing. He's a right to repair advocate and even has his own Wikipedia page. I replicated Rossman's fuse testing and they too did not blow when they were supposed to. In synopses Amazon does not care.

...and are putting out anywhere from 10 watts to 20 watts and more?

I've seen many of these handhelds that apparently put out this wattage, but I have to wonder if it's legit? Has anyone actually measured the output wattage?

I met a heavy crane operator years ago who loaded and unloaded shipping containers from ships in the Port of Los Angeles who told me that “The U.S. is the world’s biggest shippers of shipping containers.” For those not catching what I just said, we primarily receive full containers and ship out empty ones.

I've heard the opposite actually. True in that we import what seems like more than we export (I'd have to look up the numbers) but I heard that the shipping containers are just stacked there at port and sold on the cheap. Many people buy them for storage, makeshift backyard office space, etc. I'm thinking of buying a bunch of shipping containers myself and bury them for a makeshift bunker. I have to do more research on that though and the max depth I can go, etc. I'll probably talk to a contractor.

As to the cancer thing. Granted 10 massive watts and whatnot is not good, like all RF sources it's more or less about constant exposure than anything. The primary risk is heating the tissues. In the context of a cell phone, if you're holding the phone against your head for an average of some three hours everyday for years on end you'll probably have issues. That's why It might be better to use a Bluetooth earpiece instead or just turn on the hands free speaker. Something else is that RF energy is non-ionizing. It's not like being hit with an X-ray, Beta rays, Gamma rays, etc.

In my humble opinion at least...


Ever since the silk and spice trade, China has been a major trading partner in the world. Heck, it's probably how the black death of the 1300s spread throughout Europe and a part of Russia... (A theory at least, but one I believe in). And I have learned waaaay back in 7th grade world history that any civilization that had a lopsided trading system failed. Mankind has been doing this since ancient Rome...
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5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
The bottom line is the buyer has to do the legwork of making sure they are getting what they pay for. There are no more consumer advocacy (sans Rossman, great work as someone is at least holding these companies accountable for their lies and gaslighting but without actually costing them money, behavior will not change. Look at his battle with Tado) and the government is not in the business of protecting consumers.

A $30 radio making wild claims of power output, superior performance, et al is as absurd as the days of the 70s and 80s when stereo manufacturers claimed "300 watt" power outputs from single IC chip amps. "150 watts of music power" anyone remember those days? Of course back then most of the trash can stuff came from Hong Kong and Korea, and congress actually stepped in an made power ratings standardized but for many years flea markets and discount stores were chock full of that stuff.



Active Member
Feb 9, 2024
Freeport, Illinois
Anyone with an amateur license or studying to get one should have plenty of reading to back the FCC and hams involved in an 11 year study that proved that on vhf and uhf portable radios with over 7 watts tend to cause cancer to the head as well as other medical complications. How many of you have actually written to these Amazon vendors and to Amazon proper to complain about, among other things such as poor workmanship etc, portable radios that are in the vhf and uhf bands and are putting out anywhere from 10 watts to 20 watts and more? I have. Amazon is finally being tightened up for hiring thieves and generally all-around scammers who send theft tags from retail outlets that they have shoplifted from and even send the buyer dirty broken equipment that often doesn’t match what’s on the box Cover. I’ve been an Amazon customer for 15 years and have filed many complaints. To this point it’s been like pissing in a dark suit: One gets a warm feeling all over but no one notices.

I’ve been waiting for this for some time. I’m tired of new products either not working right away or in a month or 2 after delivery. I’m very angry about the vendors who respond with “Well, everyone wants them” or “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” I’ve often wondered if the countries’ chinese consumers actually receive a better product than other countries? I’ve been through there enough times to say that I doubt it. All the communist countries I’ve served in all have the same style.

I met a heavy crane operator years ago who loaded and unloaded shipping containers from ships in the Port of Los Angeles who told me that “The U.S. is the world’s biggest shippers of shipping containers.” For those not catching what I just said, we primarily receive full containers and ship out empty ones.

Dave McCracken
K7GDM, Great Falls, MT
Remember, just because the radio MAY do 8-10 watts, doesn't mean it has to. I have a couple that do will higher outputs, but I keep them at medium which is plenty. Also many of these OEM duck antennas are not designed for more than 5 watts.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2014
This should not be news to anyone. The U.S. has a $1.2 trillion trade deficit with the rest of the world. Unless Walmart, Amazon, and Costco stop selling goods made in China, Mexico, and Vietnam, I don't see that changing.
That's oh, so true but we manufacture (almost) nothing in this country, especially when it comes to electronics. I understand that some companies are trying to change that by moving facilities back to this country but it may be too little, too late.

When I first moved to Columbus, GA, we had 6 major textile mills employing thousands. Today, we have none. The textile and clothing manufacturers are scattered all over the world except the United States. I looked at some of my clothes and some of the countries of origin are San Salvador, India, Egypt, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Indonesia and even Mongolia. The cheap labor means higher profits for the companies.

Virtually all electronic manufacturing is in the Far East.


P25 Underground
Sep 27, 2019
Gadsden Purchase
The cheap labor means higher profits for the companies.
American workers were sold out at the altar of cheap goods and next quarter's results. Forget about the long-term damage done, public companies don't generally think that way.

That's one disappointing consequence of the JVCKenwood acquisition of EFJ; I miss radios with MADE IN TEXAS printed on the bottom. At least the Japanese plants have excellent build quality.