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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Chinese Dualbanders

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Mar 16, 2009
I have a Puxing HT (single band). I like it and it works fine. But... But next time I'll spend a few more bucks and get a 'real' Yaesu/ICOM. The Puxing feels a bit like a toy, not a tool. Worth the money if you're looking for a toy.


Dec 4, 2006
I've never had my hands on a Puxing HT so I'll take your word for them. I do have another Chinese brand radio which works just fine. Also have had my hands on several of the 'name' brand HTs and considering the differences in price, I'm really happy with the HT I have. They are not all the same 'quality' (for lack of a better description).
I like Chevy trucks and Ford cars too, whoopy! (Except for my present car which is a Chevy.)
- 'Doc


Mar 23, 2005
Anyone have one of these radios? I have a TH-F6A and a VX-6, but I was thinking of getting the 144/220 version of the Wouxon. Just curious if it's worth the throwaway price.

Definitely worth the price,I had a Wouxun KG-UVD1 great little radio I regret trading it off thinking about getting another.

For around $133US shipped you can't go wrong.


Sep 18, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
I have a Puxing HT (single band). I like it and it works fine. But... But next time I'll spend a few more bucks and get a 'real' Yaesu/ICOM. The Puxing feels a bit like a toy, not a tool. Worth the money if you're looking for a toy.

I have a few HT's by Yaesu and they also are made in China. My Wouxun can open repeaters 30+ miles away with the factory rubber duckie. That me and a couple of club member's Yaesu's & Icoms can only think about openning. After we tried our little test 5 members purchased the Wouxun. I plan on selling my Yaesu's and buying another. They do work very well. I've been told that my audio sounds like I'm home on my base. And I don't know why but I've dropped this radio more that all of my radios combined. And it still works like new. I don't know about your Puxing. But my Wouxun is a real winner.


Nov 10, 2010
Newton, NC
I bought the “professional” model and love it. Its basically the same as the 2meter/440 ham but just been opened up for out of band use. I use it for both HAM, and work and it does the job nicely. Hard to beat for the price and accessories are cheap too. I would suggest getting the program software it makes programming a lot easier.



Dec 22, 2009
North Hollywood CA
My buddy has one and he gets better audio reports than my base station does at times. It is well worth the money and the menu driven interface is not much of an issue. It does take a small learning curve to get used to but once you do it is a breeze to operate. We also like the extended receive, fm radio, led flashlight and battery life. Highly recommended if you want a compact but versatile affordable dual band ht.


Aug 6, 2004
Hudson County NJ
I have both the 220 and 440 version and they are well worth the price. I would also recommend getting the programming cable that will make setting up your rig a breeze. I am on the list to get one of the new mobiles when they arrive from Riceland.

I agree with Elk plus the part 90 acceptance is a big plus.
Looking for the mobile myself.


Mar 30, 2007
I just got my Wouxon KG-UVD1P today and I really do like it. This radio has really exceeded my expectations, and has lived up to others' comments/opinions that I've read prior to buying it. It's well-built, esthetically pleasing, and easy to use. I have to say that it was a bit difficult trying to program at first, but like others have said, once you get the hang of it, it's very easy.

The audio is surprinsgly crisp and loud, transmit audio is the same. I can hit repeaters in my area that I cannot hit with other "name brand" HTs. The battery life is longer than I expected. Granted, it really isn't a "dual receive" HT in the true sense of the term, but if that's the only fault with this radio that I can find, I'll take it! :)

Everyone who's purchased these HTs have had rave reviews, and to this day get positive feedback from others relative to audio/signal, etc.

One thing I'd like to express is that anyone who's interested in these radios should try to get one from an IN-COUNTRY dealer rather than from overseas. There was a time when I thought that my radio would not arrive, as it took longer than expected. Other than that, for the price, go and grab one of these gems.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2003
Does anyone know where in the USA you can purchase this WOUXON....Thank You


Premium Subscriber
Jun 10, 2006
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
I see the dual band mobiles 2m/440 but for the life of me I don't see a price on the mobiles anywhere at all. Anyone know what the mobiles cost and where to purchase one.


Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
The mobile has not been FCC certified yet.
Until that happens nobody in the US can sell or market them or quote prices.


Jul 25, 2004
I see the dual band mobiles 2m/440 but for the life of me I don't see a price on the mobiles anywhere at all. Anyone know what the mobiles cost and where to purchase one.

According to the forums, they're available in Mexico, but haven't yet received their FCC Certification so they can't be sold in the US. It is expected that they'll be available in late Jan, but this is only a guess from the sounds of the posts.


Dec 29, 2010
Possum Fork, WI
I am very excited about the upcoming mobile. If it's as good as the HT, and the price is close to the rumored $250 or so, and the accessories are reasonably priced (I am completely sick of $50 programming cables and $80 sep kits), it should give YaeComWood something to think very hard about...and well it should!


Feed Provider
Dec 26, 2010
I have a KGUVD1P (2m/70cm), and I love it (aside from a couple quirks). I paid I think $120 for the radio, programming cable, spare battery, and a battery eliminator shipped direct from the distributor in China. Even if you buy from China, they do allow you to get service from their US support center. The reception is great, transmit is great (in 5W mode, 1W can be iffy), intermod is nearly non-existent. It's got pretty substantial feel (doesn't feel cheap), and the buttons/knobs have good positive 'click' to them. It also comes with a nice drop-in charger (which can charge your spare battery by itself) complete with AC and cigarette cords. For a sub $100 HT, you can't beat it.

Now it also has some quirks that bother me to some extent, but for me aren't dealbreakers by any means. You may feel different.

-It is not true 'dual receive', it is 'dual monitor'. It can only receive one 'side' at a time.
-The battery and signal strength meters are pretty useless. They're either full or empty, never in between. This could probably be fixed with a firmware flash.
-It's a bit wonky to program manually. DEFINITELY get the programming cable for your initial loading.
-A big part of the manual programming 'wonkiness' stems from the fact that it does NOT do automatic repeater offsets. You have to do it manually.
-The antenna connector is 'backwards' from what you'd expect. It's SMA, but the male side is on the antenna, not the radio. Keep this in mind if you want a different antenna or need an external antenna adapter.
-The headset jack is a Kenwood style 2 pin, but the speaker/mic jacks are backwards. The speaker jack is 2.5mm, meaning you can't just plug in a standard earbud for monitoring. You need to use an adapter.
-There is no external power jack on the radio. In order to use external power, you must use a 'battery eliminator' (basically a battery shell with a cigarette cord hanging out of it). This is probably my biggest gripe with the design of the radio. I'd much rather just plug in the cord than have to remove the battery and clip the eliminator on (especially since the battery latches are very tight and sometimes require fiddling to get both sides locked).

Some of these I knew when I bought it, others I found out. But even if I had known all of them, I would still have bought it.

And I too am excited about the mobile. If it comes out at $200 or $250, I'll definitely be getting one!
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I would prefer more power on 222 if I had a rig on that band.

Does the 144/440 also have Part 95 certification? An HT with both ham bands and GMRS would be great.
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