Try 148.1250 as well.
CAP is migrating to Narrow band frequencies, but Re-using the two old Rptr Pairs.
148.1250 will be come the Primary Rptr Channel
and 148.1500 will become the Secondary Rptr channel.
No more simplex on the Outputs.
Also the input Frequencies will change when the Rptrs migrate.
So, if you know [any old lists???] the Wideband Channel Plan and Repeater [sites/tones] you will know when they convert.
Also helpful is monitoring the NETS [some Wings run nightly anywhere from 1800-2100 local]
Operations are up and running again this morning. Most comms on CAP CH. 4 - 149.5375 MHz 100.0 PL. They are using repeaters to talk to Asheville. I'd keep an ear out for 148.15 & 143.90 with a CTCSS search.