You'll probably have to manually set which mode is necessary in order for you to receive the signal on those frequencies. I used to have a Yaesu VX6R and was down at BKL watching them practice some years back. By default, the HT was set on NFM and all I heard on the air frequencies was gibberish and couldn't figure out what the problem was. Those familiar words came back to haunt me (when all else fails, READ THE OWNERS MANUAL, duh!) and I realized that not everything in this world is spoon fed to us. Lol! I went through the various modes and when AM showed up as an option, I selected it. Like magic, I was able to listen to intelligent voices and all was well. It's an easily overlooked issue that many of us forget to remember and that is not everything we hear on VHF/UHF by default uses NFM. Maybe that's the reason why questions regarding modes of operation actually appear on the written portion of an amateur radio exam. Good luck!