How far away from the field are you? Also, what antenna are you using? The SDS100 doesn't pick up aviation or military bands well at all, especially with the stock antenna.Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question but I,m having a problem setting up my SDS100 for the Cleveland Air Show. I added air show to my favorite list copied all the Blue Angel freq. into it turned on all service types but when I try to scan I get the nothing to scan message. When I checked what services were on only the military service is on. Had no problem doing the same on my Home Patrol. What am I missing??
If it says “nothing to scan,” it’s not a reception issue - check that you have the correct scan banks turned on. Also, if you added them manually, they may not have saved as “military” service types. Check one of the entries and see what service type it is. I believe it defaults to “Custom 1.”I live about 3 miles east of the airport in a high rise bld. The planes fly right over my bld.
Not sure what to do from there as I use 436s instead of the 100. But I would check and see what you may have locked out. Reference the manual if need be.Off my HP I confirm:284.2500-237.800-275.3500
Still can't get the 100 to scan. I did not add manually but off the database which was in red letters??
Off my HP I confirm:284.2500-237.800-275.3500
Still can't get the 100 to scan. I did not add manually but off the database which was in red letters??
They were using 284.050 in Dayton, I wonder why they switched freqs?Add 262.750 for the LA ANG F-15s that arrived this afternoon. They also called in to Atlantic Aviation at KCLE on 130.300.
They were using 284.050 in Dayton, I wonder why they switched freqs?