Have you ever looked at a dump of a GRE built Pro-96/2096 setup? Why do you think that the only software that works is Starrsoft's? There is going to be no reading, tweaking, or editing those dumps. I suspect that GRE will continue to use the same sort of packing on the new scanners. If you want to know how to intrepret them, contact GRE, sign a NDA, and go for it.LEH said:Probably true, but the bottom line will be to see the layout of the files. You may be able to do some 'rearranging' of data fields and/or tweak header info (like with the Uniden 246/396 files).
If the files are straight ASCII delimited files, a good (Notepad++ which is freeware) ASCII editor and a little knowledge of regular expressions can do absolute wonders. I forget who showed me 'regular expressions' but I thank them. They have made my life so much easier over the past ten or so years.
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loumaag said:Have you ever looked at a dump of a GRE built Pro-96/2096 setup? Why do you think that the only software that works is Starrsoft's? There is going to be no reading, tweaking, or editing those dumps. I suspect that GRE will continue to use the same sort of packing on the new scanners. If you want to know how to intrepret them, contact GRE, sign a NDA, and go for it.
DaveIN said:I think the best method would be a radioreference database import feature in the upcoming Starrsoft software.
Well, Yeah, Lou. How did you open that? 9 times out of 10 NotePad or even worse Word will yield garbage like that, but when opened with a specialized editor you may be able to get something useful.loumaag said:Have you ever looked at a dump of a GRE built Pro-96/2096 setup? Why do you think that the only software that works is Starrsoft's? There is going to be no reading, tweaking, or editing those dumps. I suspect that GRE will continue to use the same sort of packing on the new scanners. If you want to know how to intrepret them, contact GRE, sign a NDA, and go for it.
Here is a sample of a bit from a Pro-96/2096 file dump:
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Indeed it could opened it with a hex editor and had I done so it would not look any different except you would have two sides to the screen. (I've done that before trying to figure it out.) It doesn't change the point that GRE purposely packs or hashes (or both) the content of the memory so that people cannot reverse engineer it as they did for the 92 and 93/95 series of radios.bezking said:Well, Yeah, Lou. How did you open that? 9 times out of 10 NotePad or even worse Word will yield garbage like that, but when opened with a specialized editor you may be able to get something useful.
rdale said:I think the PSR500 will have a little more open protocol...
n4voxgill said:The only post I have seen from Don Star was that he did not have any info on the new GRE scanners to work with and he didn't know if he would have a program for them.
Have you seen a post where Don said he was developing software for the new GRE.
wwhitby said:I saw the same post from Don right after the announcement was made about the new PSR series coming out. Since then, I haven't seen any update from Don. I've been treating this one as an internet latrine rumor.
I had toyed with preordering a PSR-500, but until software comes out, I think i'm going to stick with my PRO-96.
BTW, i've had good luck exporting a p96 file out as a CSV file, modifying the CSV file and then importing it into Win-95.
I had tor read the PSR-500 manual about three timestbhausen said:I read the PSR-500 manual twice. The second time thru, it all made sense. I doubt I'll need to ever open it once I get my radio