I am trying to program a Pro97. I have done exactly l the manual says (I think). I programmed the frequencies in the bank. I programmed the talk group codes I want to listen to in the same bank. I got on the bank and hit func . (delay) and it says bank closed and puts the - sign at the end of the second line. But it won't stay on just the talk group that I programmed. It continues to act like its open. Any ideas?
When you are scanning the programmed bank is there a "+" or a "-" below the selected bank number?
A "+" means the bank is open, a "-" means it is closed.
If the bank is showing closed, are you picking up talk groups you have not programmed in? You should not be unless something is set up wrong.
Have you enabled that particular sub bank? You may have locked the sub bank out instead of closing the main bank.
If you are trying to monitor one specific talk group, when that talk group pops up, press and hold the "trunk" button until "ID hold ON" appears. When you want to go back to scanning, press "scan" or "trunk".