That's interesting, gold plated audio connectors are all the rage with audiophools and now they're creating a radiophool market... HA! Think about it, stock connectors on equipment aren't gold so the plating on the phoolery connectors adds nothing to conductivity.
Gold plating has its place though, in critical applications such as computers good conductivity is important and being gold does not oxidize both sides of connections are plated to insure proper operation and long life.
I've seen silver plated RF connectors and have bought a few plated PL-259s not all that expensive because they have one distinct advantage, they take solder like a sponge takes up water. That shortens the work time considerably and aids in preventing overheating the work.
OK so that's your 2c worth and I contributed a nickel to the cause making a grand total of 7c which should cover the tax on your next dollar purchase.