I own a sack full of GRE scanners and love them. I also own 4 Uniden BC9000s that I have used for aircraft monitoring. I notice the 9000s receive the VHF and UHF aircraft bands much better than the GREs (RS Pro-2055). The 9000s hear stuff that doesn't even break the squelch on the Pro-2055. I am looking for a scanner to use for mobile Milcom monitoring and am trying to decide between the BCT-15X and the GRE PSR-410. I need more scanlists/banks than the 10 offered by the Pro-2055 and both the PSR-410 and the BCT-15X fill that need. I would be interested in hearing from those who are using the BCT-15X for Milcom as to the performance they are experiencing. Just wondering if the "new" Unidens perform as well as the old 9000 does. Many thanks.