A few years ago I was at a local flea market where a high school was selling off the contents of the Civil Defense bomb shelter that had been located in the basement of their building. It was a literal time capsule from the Cold War - cots, radiation detectors, de-contamination suits, blankets, boxes and crates of saltine crackers- big containers of water- first aid supplies--- geeeeez- on and on
It was a mountain of stuff.
I was lucky to be there as they were unloading the 'treasures' ---and I pulled out two beautiful Coleman lanterns. These lanterns, painted a olive drab, were 'all fuel' (kerosene too??) design's, they had never been used, --with all the mantles, spare parts and storage containers- they were/are still as pristine today as when they were placed into that shelter in the 50's.
"How much to you want for them?" I ask'd
"Oh, ten dollars each? Ma'm .... ?" answer'd a tall, polite youth,,,"the money is for our school's marching band"
I gave them much more (!) for that pair.
I later learned that the school board had ok'd the sale. The school's principle told me they were free to use the proceeds for whatever the school want'd or need'd. Along with that story, I got a kind thank you for my contribution to their band.
They had asked "the government" to come get those supplies years ago----- No one ever show'd up....