Considering purchasing the home patrol by Uniden and the Hartford Connecticut area

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Mar 27, 2014
West Hartford,CT
I am considering purchasing the home patrol by Uniden for my area near Hartford Connecticut. I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has the home patrol in the Hartford area and could vouch for its performance. IM a little confused on how it works but I think from what I've read it takes the database from radio reference and puts it into the home patrol when you do the updates. Another concern of mine is I own a Mac not a PC, Is there a program out there to do the updates with a Mac? I have only seen PC versions in my research online. Basically, I am looking to see how well this product works in my area and if it is easy for me to update without a PC. If there's anybody out there who has answers to these questions I would appreciate it thank you.


May 19, 2006
Newport, PA
I am considering purchasing the home patrol by Uniden for my area near Hartford Connecticut. I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has the home patrol in the Hartford area and could vouch for its performance. IM a little confused on how it works but I think from what I've read it takes the database from radio reference and puts it into the home patrol when you do the updates. Another concern of mine is I own a Mac not a PC, Is there a program out there to do the updates with a Mac? I have only seen PC versions in my research online. Basically, I am looking to see how well this product works in my area and if it is easy for me to update without a PC. If there's anybody out there who has answers to these questions I would appreciate it thank you.

It will come pre-loaded with the RR database, but you will want to hook it up to your computer to update the firmware and database right away. From there, you can reference this easier to use manual. I have had a HomePatrol (HP-1) for about 2 months and it has been an immense help in creating favorites lists, etc.

Easier to Read HomePatrol Scanner Manual


Jan 22, 2003
McLean, VA
I am considering purchasing the home patrol by Uniden for my area near Hartford Connecticut. I am wondering if there is anyone out there who has the home patrol in the Hartford area and could vouch for its performance. IM a little confused on how it works but I think from what I've read it takes the database from radio reference and puts it into the home patrol when you do the updates. Another concern of mine is I own a Mac not a PC, Is there a program out there to do the updates with a Mac? I have only seen PC versions in my research online. Basically, I am looking to see how well this product works in my area and if it is easy for me to update without a PC. If there's anybody out there who has answers to these questions I would appreciate it thank you.

You will either need a Windows machine or put BootCamp or Parallels on your Mac. At least these are the programs I have heard of, I do not run Mac but know a little bit about them.

I would pick up a used Windows XP machine since most folks are moving on from them or purchase a cheap Win7 Netbook.

Its like anything else, either figure out how to run Windows on your Mac, you WILL need it or get a dedicated Windows machine.


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Jul 30, 2001
Putnam County, NY
Having gone through serious headaches using Sentinel on a Mac machine with Parallels, I am going to second JamesO and suggest you get a cheap maybe used Windows machine. I sent a bug report to Parallels regarding connection issues and have yet to hear.


Mar 21, 2014
I have the Home Patrol-1 and use it with Parallels on my Mac. No problems whatsoever. Never a glitch.

However I can't say the same for the new sentinel program for the BCD436 & 536. It won't connect with Parallels for some odd reason. However you can use the MicroSD card from either the 436 or the 536 and use it with Sentinel via Parallels on a mac using a standard SD card reader.

If you are strictly going to be using a Home Patrol-1 via Sentinel software there is no problem with using a mac. You might even be able to use one of the free options for windows on a Mac, rather than Parallels if you don't want to pay for the software.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 13, 2008
can the homepatrol be used with the new sentinal software? or is it just for the 436 and 536
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