I see that some talk groups got added to the new Conway P25 phase 2 system in the database, for Conway PD. Interestingly, the mode is listed as "D" and not "E"... so does this mean that Conway PD is not encrypted on the new system?
I have tried PMing the submitter for usage, and clarification of modes etc and have yet to hear back. I for one would NOT trust any PD listing being in the clear on this system until you hear it yourself, or we get verification of whats what.
OK, here's my report. Conway Fire dispatch, fireground 1 and fireground 2 are in the clear, and are phase 1. Conway Police talk groups 101, 102, and 201 are all ENCRYPTED. I did not hear any activity on talk group 604. I included a wildcard for the system, and I heard what sounded like a school administrator: "Tell Ms. Pennington to cover for 8th period", but I didn't catch the talk group number since I was driving.