I finally picked up something! This time I was more confident as my tracking here:
Current position of the ISS - Showed that ISS was about to pass directly over New York city, where the tracking tonight's earlier pass and the last 2 days were much farther away. I got excited as MMSTV started to fill stuff in, but after a a few lines, the picture became gibberish. Interestingly enough, when I make the same image from the audio that I recorded, the recognizable beginning of transmission part of the audio starts 9 seconds before the picture starts to display. This isn't much, buy you can clearly make out the"ISS" text and a logo at the top of the image, so it is proof that I picked up and decoded something.
Can somebody tell from the audio (starts 22 seconds before the image is picked up - the "begin transmission" audio is around 3 seconds in. The audio ends when the picture ends) and picture, what went wrong? For full disclosure, when the pic started to come in came in (I'm not sure why I did this
I raised the radio volume a drop, but quickly returned it to the original position. Is it possible that my panicky move ruined the rest of the image ? I've spent over an hour trying to get a better picture by adjusting the volume while running MMSTV, but it always makes the exact same picture.
Is it possible to clean up my recording and get a better image, or was the signal just too crappy?
This remains a ton of fun!