Looking at the license, it appears to me that the locations are all well within the county coverage area: one is 4.9 miles east of B'ville, with an antenna height of 109 feet above average terrain; one is 1.7 miles south of Ramona, with a antenna height of 317 feet above average terrain, and the last is located at Copan, with an antenna height of 24 fet above average terrain (!). As flat as Washington County is, the first two sites have plenty of height to give adequate coverage for a county as small as Washington County. Now, I don't get the last one, in Copan. The code shows it's a FX! - Control station. Haven't been around B'ville in awhile, so i have no idea what this is supposed to be.
But the first two sites have plenty of height for reception even of handheld radios, given the local terrain. With a 300 foot antenna height on the local repeater, I can hit it with my HT from 20 miles away. Antenna height increases the radio horizon of the site, the higher the antenna, the better the coverage. Now, I imagine the coverage into Osage County to the west gets bad pretty quick.
Mark S.