If I heard the initial correctly...anyone know about the new digital transmissions aircraft are using to transmit weather data, position reports, etc? Is this possibly an HF version of ACARS, or is it satellite transmission now?
AEMTKieran said:If I heard the initial correctly...anyone know about the new digital transmissions aircraft are using to transmit weather data, position reports, etc? Is this possibly an HF version of ACARS, or is it satellite transmission now?
Chris-M said:Just copied some HFDL using PC-HFDL http://www.chbrain.dircon.co.uk/pchfdl.html (the free, unsupported version). This is what I've received so far with my Yaesu FT857. Basically a bunch of jibberish that has me wondering if the $35 version is worth it. Likely not in my opinion. I am monitoring 8.912 mhz. Gonna try some other frequencies and see what I get.
This part is pretty cool though..the position of specific flights. Here's one for example:
06:22:00 UTC Flight ID = CO0031 LAT 20 16 40 N LON 63 43 45 W
Here's the rest. I cut out most of the redundant stuff.
Preamble 300 bps 1.8 sec Interleaver FREQ ERR 1.541685 Hz Errors 1
Version = 0 * Freq utilisation = LIGHT * ISO 8208 = Not Supported
No change, same frequency, Ground Station UP
Ground Station ID = 2 MOLOKAI - HAWAII
Frame Index = 698 * Frame offset = 1 * UTC = 06:12:18 SYNCHED
LPDU ACK codes
Preamble 300 bps 1.8 sec Interleaver FREQ ERR 4.417814 Hz Errors 10
FA 13 28 6A 23 FD 1B BA 6B 4D 4D 54 DC 2A 8B ...j ....k M M T ...
96 5D F7 9F 77 D9 D7 55 71 BE ED 06 2D 91 2F ....w ..U q ......
E8 69 3F D9 41 D7 65 38 15 C9 34 4F 05 F7 31 .i ..A .e 8 ..4 O ..1
15 B7 0A B1 11 DA 4F 76 D0 75 73 55 1C AE 4E ......O v .u s U ..N
D9 68 5F 57 C5 AD 0A .h .W ...
Preamble 300 bps 1.8 sec Interleaver FREQ ERR 2.642271 Hz Errors 0
Version = 0 * Freq utilisation = LIGHT * ISO 8208 = Not Supported
No change, same frequency, Ground Station UP
Ground Station ID = 2 MOLOKAI - HAWAII
Frame Index = 696 * Frame offset = 1 * UTC = 06:11:14 SYNCHED
Database Version 26
This GS active freqs 6 10 11
GS3 ID = 15 BAHRAIN UTC LOCKED Active freqs 5