Is there someone or somewhere on this site that can tell me what channels & frequencies go together (866.6125=Ch ??) etc. Thanks in advance & please feel free to e-mail me or post here, Joe.....
This is for the CSP listing. Look for the site that is nearest where you are monitoring from. Zone 3 or 4 is probably good for you.
The way the system works is that a talkgroup is transmitted from a site when a radio on that talkgroup is nearby. Also there are some talkgroups that get transmitted Statewide and others that have a limited area they get transmitted to.
Hello again. Thanks for posting. I'm well aware of that page, However when they say going to channel 2,6,49,etc. What are the frequencies they are jumping to for use or is it something in the trunking??? Joe.....
Channels in the user radios can refer to talkgroups on a trunked system or conventional frequencies.
Some of the channels in the CT SP radios refer to conventional Inter-agency TAC repeaters that are sited at several of the trunk sites throughout the state.
The ConnScan group on has information on what talkgroups and frequencies map to the channel numbers.